Staying Small or Taking The Chance of Being Seen

Well friends, the cat is out of the bag and now I am accountable!

My interview on “Crystalline Matrix Sound Healing”, with Alan Steinfeld of, is on Youtube, so even if I wanted to, I can’t keep it quiet any longer.

Now that’s a funny one – keeping it quiet, since it’s all about  sound, our soul essence and each of our unique vibrations. There is silent sound as well, but to begin with, our physical bodies love to hear and feel the vibration. It’s so delicious!

It’s been quite a journey for me from beginning to hear and sense the vibrations of the beings who have been working with me for these nine years or so, to actually talking about them and conveying what they have been channeling through me to the public. What? Who me? Talk about channeling? Way too scary!!! LOL!

This process of allowing myself to finally articulate and verbalize the things that I have been channeling through me has been both scary and exhilarating at the same time. I have had to work through the proverbial “what will people think of me?” question and to reduce its significance enough for me to realize that this work is really not about me, but coming through me for the benefit of others.

I have always had the chance to stay small and not talk about what I’m getting and I was there for a long time. It was not comfortable and the sensation was one of living beside my own truth.  Have you ever heard the expression “she was beside herself”? Well, this was sort of the sensation, one of not being completely aligned with my own being, my own truth.

Gradually, the more I allowed myself to speak my truth with authenticity (and courage, by the way), the more I began to sense more of who I AM, of my purpose on this planet and how this impacts myself and the world around me. It’s my calling. Yes, I’ve allowed myself to hear my calling and act on it, even when the results are totally unknown in advance. Believe me, I have experienced plenty of fear around the unknown, but in most instances I’ve gone ahead anyway, much to my intense pleasure and gratitude, but not without kicking and screaming all the way at times.

And do you want to know what? It’s really fun to be seen in my authentic truth. The result has been the opportunity to invite the most amazing beings and people into my experience, to be with the best of the best and partner with them as we become more and more aware of the gifts of each other and the planet. It’s awesome. If I allow myself to be real, I can easily welcome you to do the same and the experience is euphoric.

So enough of being/acting/thinking small. It’s benefits no one.

I invite you to watch the youtube interview to connect to your own soul song:

In Loving Vibration,

Rhonda Joy

Rhonda Joy Eagle, copyright 2011