So Do I Rest or Plow On?

Do you know that feeling, of being a bit coldly and under the weather, just enough to slow you down, but not quite enough to shut you down?

The feeling that you just need to give yourself a little extra space and attention; to slow down, re calibrate and recuperate.

This is how I’m feeling right now and I’m sure that it’s a result of my move and the extra stress of the renovation, including all the minute details that have to be attended to in the moment and can’t wait.

So the question is: Do I rest or plow on?

Well, what I am doing is to create a new space in my mind to be much more mindful and yes, of course, rest my mind and my body more.

I’m allowing myself to continue to function, but at a slower rate and in a more deliberately relaxed way.

Right now I’m waiting for my healing appointment which I hope will further release the stress from my body and mind.

So how do you handle being under the weather?

Do you go straight to the doctor to get medicine that gives you relief?
Do you take a moment to listen in to what your body is communicating int terms of its needs now?
Do you have your own regimen that you employ to relieve and rest yourself?

Having your own tools to attend to your ongoing well being is a major part of staying dynamically healthy, along with receiving support from a health practitioner, whether conventional or alternative is important.

Not all techniques fit everyone, so it is recommended to acquire a number of them that suit you personally.

I would love to help you explore the tools that suit you best, both in terms of self care and outside support in a 30 minute complementary “Find Your Inner Healer” session with me. Just drop me a line with your time zone and Skype address and we’ll set it up:


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Wishing you consistent Health and Well Being,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014