Reset Your Creativity Button!

Do you ever find yourself getting overwhelmed with details and have a hard time staying consistent?

Do you find yourself getting bored with a task and losing all inspiration, despite trying over and over again to solve the issue? As Albert Einstein said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

This makes sense to me. If I am caught in a loop trying to find something new, well, then I am very unlikely to find the solution within that loop or consciousness. Have you noticed how inspired you get when your heart is open and you are in a deep feeling mode? How much flow you experience and how ideas seem to stream in from nowhere?

So I have a simple exercise to help you get back onto the creative track. It involves not only the brain, but the heart and feelings as well, because when our hearts are open, we feel boundless, expansive and flowing.

Most of us have cellphones that we can download music onto, so you can create a playlist in which the first track is wordless, meditative, heart opening music. There is so much on the market. Pick the one that makes you feel soft and open. Then for the second track, pick something inspiring and perky with words that uplift you. The first track will activate the right hemisphere of your brain and the second will engage both the right AND the left, creating coherence and mental clarity, along with a sense of openness and balance.

It’s simple and you can do it for yourself. So when you feel stuck on a project or idea, try this simple technique to give yourself an 8 minute or so breather and then get back to your project.

For those of you who would rather someone else put this together for you, I highly recommend Visionary Music which is a cutting edge plethora of music and tools to step you up to the next level physically, mentally, emotionally and of course spiritually, through sound and vibration. I can personally attest to the transformational nature of their products and services. Check them out today: click here to sample the music 

Upcoming Events: December 21st 2012 Through The Gateway Gathering, Friday, Dec. 21st at Kibbutz Beit Keshet, lead by Michal Cohen Simcha and myself. We will engage the tremendous Planetary and Human Consciousness opening of this momentous day with intention, visioning, movement, sound and vibration as we open our hearts and minds to create a wave of togetherness and collaboration. This will shift us to another level of functioning in our daily lives, from a place of intuition, flow, clarity and openheartedness. Please call me for details and registration: 052 2985416. Looking forward to partnering with you there!

Finally, here is a complementary link that you can share of the movie “The Cure Is…”. Please take the time to see it and pass it on! It can change the way you feel and think about health and how you live your life!

Wishing you flow and inspiration,

Love and Blessings, Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012