Do You Quash Your Passion?

follow your passion
Do you let yourself feel the full force of your passion and creativity or do you tend to slightly douse the fires of excitement welling up from within?

Funny question, huh?

Well yeah, many of us tend to suppress the real depth of what we are feeling because it may mean that we may actually have to go all the way with them.

Like to fulfill a long felt dream, desire, vision etc.

It would mean actually having to go for it; to take steps, possibly really really scary ones, to make things happen.

We have all felt this fear – but do you choose to serve the fear or serve your vision?

Sometimes taking the leap is truly the next logical step towards all kinds of freedom. The freedom to really believe that your dreams are possible, that you are worthy of them, that the Universe at large supports you and that you can actually move into alignment to achieve those dreams.

I know I know, now all of those habitual excuses are running through your head, like “no money”, “no family support”, “I don’t have enough knowledge, or education, or background”.

Well, let’s address the money. What is money if not ENERGY? It’s called currency, right? Currency is meant to be in motion, so it can create that current, in the present and so that it can circulate. It’s up to each of us to circulate it, so that we can be in that wondrous loop of money coming and going.

Then there may be the resource issue, like education, family support, and background. Do you know that the greatest inventions and innovations were created by people thinking outside of their historical box? They did not stop when turned down once but kept on looking for the open door that fit exactly into their vision and creativity.

We can all do that. It’s just a matter of adjusting our belief systems, like adjusting our radio and fine tuning to the right station. I’m sure you’ve heard this before. It’s all about alignment to the right frequency and resonance that will match your vision.

So find the people who will support you, believe in yourself and love your way of looking outside the box. Invite this into your life. Ask the Universe to line up the next 2-3 steps for you.

Then there is the issue of you maybe not allowing yourself to really enjoy your achievements and your dreams, suppressing that amazing sense of wonder and creativity. When you do that, you attract a lesser version of what you really truly want. So pay attention to that too and learn to allow yourself to feel the full spectrum of what is happening.

Once you have the experience of being in the flow of enthusiasm and manifestation once or twice, you will gain the confidence to continue to be in this kind of stream of life. It’s fun and fulfilling at the same time.

So take action by joining me for a 30 minute Complementary “Live Your Dream” Visioning session in which we will create order as a framework for your inner harmony as well as physical, mental and emotional balancing. Just drop me a line with your time zone and we’ll set it up:

What’s happening:
My good friend Gail Lash is holding a very exciting radio show on The 7 Valleys of Unity.
The worlds of God are many. We are called by every religion to walk in peace, compassion, enlightenment, and harmony with our brothers. In this day and age of a global world, “our brothers” are all of humanity, as well as all life on the planet Earth. To achieve this, we must “Walk the 7 Valleys” in earnest search of the Beloved within, and unify all parts of self. Only when we achieve this goal can we truly be the unique gift of service that we each came here to be.

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Wishing you the drive and confidence to follow and fully manifest your dreams,

Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013