When The Going is Slowwwww…

“It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment.”
/ Cicero

Have you moved recently or are in you in the middle of a process that is taking longer than expected?

Isn’t it amazing how you can plan all that you want, but that life and the pace of the process itself will determine how quickly or slowly things take?

So this is me, watching the renovation of my new home going oh so painfully slowly.
Granted, I did add quite a few sub-projects to the work as it unfolded, so it will take longer.

I’m sure I will look back at it and understand the benefits if this process, but for now, I would really, really like to set up my office again more than anything else.

And it is also the situation with a dear friend of mine doing his best to recover from shingles, while the condition has its own pace.

So how do you deal with things not going as you planned?
Do you try to push and to find alternate solutions or do you allow the situation its own rhythm and flow.

For me it varies between the two, depending upon the particular situation.
I find that allowing the hints and nudges as to what to do next to filter through, rather than pushing against a brick wall usually works best for me. This is not to say that I sit back passively and wait for things to happen by themselves. It means that I look for ways to align to the situation as it unfolds.

So how does this play out in your world? Is there something happening in your reality right now that you still can’t find a way to flow with? It could be anything, from a building project to a relationship.

To help you with this, I would love to gift you with a 30 minute complementary “From Chaos To Clarity” session to help you pull away the strands of confusion and frustration and to gain clarity as to what to do next. Just drop me a line with your time zone and skype address and we’ll set it up: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Do you feel suffocated in your work and afraid to become the hero of your own life story? If you’ve longed to pour your soul into your profession and follow a path that blends business success with spiritual fulfillment, this book will create a major shift in your life. Get David Howitt’s transformative new book, #HeedYourCall. Click here for more information about the book, bonus gifts and ordering! http://www.heedyourcall.com

My friend and colleague, Kate Large will be sharing the most-important-simple-action-step that will make your joy, happiness and success inevitable on March 4 in this free webinar:
Activate Your Extraordinary Life and Begin Attracting Avalanches of “Prosperity Miracles” to You Immediately, Including… Loving Relationships, Financial Flow, Optimal Health and Work that You Love!
Click here now to learn more: https://www.secureinfossl.com/affProgram/The-Game-of-Life-Mastery-Program/79969

Wishing you Clarity and Patience as your road twists and turns,

Love and Blessings,


Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014