Are You Living On Purpose?

Yes, on purpose, on your unique track and path.

What I mean is, are you on your personal path, not veering off, staying true to your soul and your heart’s desires?

Do you have some kind of vision of what you want and where you are going?

Is there hope and anticipation in your life?

Do you have dreams that you have yet to fulfill?

If you have answered “yes” to any of these, well then, you are in great shape!
You have vision, anticipation, expectation and hope! That’s great!

Having something to strive for, living with expectation, knowing there is always more, it’s just simply delicious, a beautiful way to walk through life.

When I am feeling on track, fulfilled, on my purpose, doing what I do best, it ignites my passion.  I am not only unstoppable; I am the happiest soul on Earth.

This is not to say that I am better than anyone else, it simply means that I am at MY BEST in these moments. Not only that, but it also means that I can totally support you or anyone else to do the same: to be on purpose, on track and doing what you do best for yourself and the world.

In addition; allowing myself to express the best in myself helps others to do the same, to be expressive, to share, to work in collaboration and cooperation.

It just plain feels good and creates an infectious vibe for everyone else.

Just today, I was sitting with a dear friend to whom I found myself telling personal stories of events that have brought me joy and inner understanding. I wasn’t really sure why I was telling her the stories, just that I had this inner impulse to do so, thinking that there may be something relevant to her situation that she could apply in her life. It turned out to be so very relevant, that she had a major “Ah hah” moment. To me, this means that I was on my purpose too, by sharing and listening to the quiet voice inside me saying “Tell her!”

So I was grateful that I followed my intuition, because somehow it brought her to even greater clarity. I could do this all day!!!  This, to me, is what I’m here for, to help people gain clarity and radiate their highest light and essence.

Have you ever considered what happens when we hold back and just give a small part of ourselves? The entire world becomes a bit dull. Just a tiny bit, but it does happen. When we are truly in the zone, just buzzing with creativity and drive or even just vibrating with inner peace, calm and joy, the world is infused with just that. From one person to the entire world. That’s how important you are!

So if you would like to learn more about stepping into your light and freeing yourself to be the best you that you have ever been thus far, click on the link below to set up a 30 minute complementary session with me and also listen to my recent interview with Mark and Cece at the One World Initiative.

Free Session:


Now is the time to share IT All with the world. We are ready!

Wishing you the courage to step up and step out,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012

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