Don’t Tell Me I Can’t!

When was the last time you were told that you can’t do one thing or another?

When did society’s norms not fit into your personal paradigm?

What, if anything, did you do about it?

What was your reaction?

If there is one thing that gets me going rather than shut down is when I am told that I can’t do something and that it doesn’t fit into the collective protocol or rules that exist.  Telling me that “it’s just the way it is” really gets me going!

Ugh!!! What this does for me is to get me riled up enough to find an alternate solution. I use the energy of annoyance to get myself creatively looking for another way.

The rules we live by in society are rules made by Human Beings and since we are dynamic, well shouldn’t the rules be too?

I would hope so! This is not to say that we should each be constant renegades and objectors to everything around us, but to at least ask questions and examine how what is now in place meets us and if it fits into what we want for ourselves.

It’s kind of like experiencing reality from a standpoint of weighing what fits and what doesn’t. I find that if something really doesn’t fit, then it creates inner tension and discomfort within me. If I can’t get to a place of acceptance of it, then it is time to reevaluate the situation and to see what I can do for myself either within the status quo, or to change things for myself. This could be about releasing people from my life, moving to a new place, changing jobs, or doing some major inner work to see where my resistance is coming from and to change the way I think about it.

It’s really a balance of all of the above.

So when is the last time you examined your habitual practices to see if they still fit for you? When is the last time you broke out of accepting and agreeing with everything you’re being fed?

So take a moment to ask yourself: “What doesn’t fit for me anymore?”  Take a look to see what the best course of action is along these lines and be creative, knowing that anything is possible.

If you would like my help to get you started, why not take advantage of a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session with me? Just click here to claim it:

Coming Event:
“Women of Vision” Empowerment Retreat, February 14-15th. 2013 in lovely Yavniel. Rejuvenate, Reinvigorate, and Rediscover your true feminine self. Envision and ignite your best life in 2013 as we meet and share space again at this unique retreat in beautiful Yavniel in the Galil in a caring and sharing circle of fellow wise women.

Debra: 052-8996640 Rhonda: 052-2985416


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Wishing you the energy and drive to shift, adjust and change as you evolve into the NOW YOU,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013