Ready For an Adventure?

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Are you ready for an adventure; a change of pace?

Isn’t it funny how most of us love to create habitual patterns and routines and after a while they tend to drive us baddy???

That is when it is time for a change; for a shift in direction.
It can be a day off, or going on a full blown vacation, changing jobs or houses (those are big ones), or just deciding to take things a bit slower and agreeing to be present for each any every moment, person and event.

So, are you ready?

What are you ready for?

I can tell you that I AM! I will be going on my 2 and a half week adventure next week, to see my lovely son and to recharge my batteries. I am ready for the shift in perspective that being away engenders and am all for it.

It’s just in time for the Jewish New Year too, which falls as the seasons change. It is a biological shift in which the summer fire simmers down and the autumn begins to whisper in the wind, the leaves and the evening coolness.

It gives me a sense of new possibilities along with a gentle slowing of pace.

Yes, I’m ready; not to jump and fly, but to go inwards to my inner resources, my inner voice and place of knowing. In that space, everything else falls into place. There is more light, lightness and room to move around there and my creativity comes alive once again.

If you would like to explore your own adventurousness, I would love to see you in Los Angeles on Thursday, September 25th for my “Sacred Sound and Life Visioning” Workshop from 5-8:30 PM at Elysium Massage and Healing Arts in Burbank and on October 6th for a day of  Personal Sound and Life Visioning healing sessions. Just contact me to sign up or make and appointment: . I look forward to seeing you and sharing space with you there!

In her new book, Caught in the Crossfire: The Unjust Degradation of a Highly Decorated Military Officer, author Levonda Joey Selph brings you deep inside her true-life struggle for truth and freedom against a government she proudly and honestly served for 30 years as a U.S. Army officer. #CITCBook Click here to learn more about the book, bonus gifts and ordering.

Here’s to great adventures and kissing life!

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014