Confusion – One of the BEST Teachers

Just a few days ago I did a very in-depth self exploratory session and left it feeling incomplete and confused about what my next step should be. As it turned out all three of my friends who participated in the process also felt the same way, as if the process still needed to ride itself out into a pattern of integration and resolution.

I guess I was looking at this from a place of thinking that a step taken always has to be an action step.

But maybe it’s a BEING step. What would happen if I just let the energy BE and give it time to weave in a synchronistic way?

This actually is how I am intending to live my life and I am moving into this place more and more. It’s just that the old way of living and my old patterns have been so habitual, that I have to remind myself that they are only one way of living and that there are many other ways just waiting to be experienced.

I have realized that often many of us, myself included, want our lives to feel and be good, so we try to make things happen at times before there is sufficient readiness to receive what is being offered and for the things we want to be ready to give of themselves.

So the best thing is not to push and to be sure that there is readiness to take the next step.

PATIENCE for things to come to maturity is the key. The more we can be patient and hold space for the potential of what we desire and envision, the better the outcome, at a time of fruitfulness and expansion.

Just hold the vision in 100% faith, because we always get what we wish for, even if it is not ripe yet, which can create disharmony and discomfort. By holding the vision clearly and in a determined manner, it creates clarity.

And this is exactly what is the spirit of this week’s book recommendation:
A lot of people explain their failures and disappointments this way: “I guess it just wasn’t God’s will.” But not Wrenwyck Williams. That’s because, as he argues in his new book, your failure to get what you need or want has nothing to do with God’s will. He wants everything for you. When you fall short, it’s for exactly the reason the Bible makes clear over and over: you have to ASK – with 100% faith – in order to GET. Get FREE GIFTS when you order the book today:

If you would like help in creating the clarity you need for your future, then I invite you to a 30 minute “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” complementary session with me- just click here to claim it and we’ll set it up:

Finally, I would like to leave you with the following link to “Thrive”, a movie about US, the planet, what we are doing to it and ourselves and how we can break out of the rut and truly THRIVE:

Wishing you patience to allow your dreams to mature, ripen and become fulfilled,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013