EMF’s, Wi-Fi and Our Body Electrics

I have always been extremely sensitive to the energies surrounding me all of my life. This is not to say that I have been so AWARE as to how they affect me. I have learned to be discerning regarding where I go and for how long a period of time. It has been a learning process of being aware and honoring my sensitivities.

Nowadays, unless we live out in nature with no internet, radio, cell phones or TV, most of us are pretty much surrounded by electromagnetic frequencies criss- crossing our energy fields. Never before in modern human history have we been exposed to so much of this.

We are electrical beings and we carry an electrical charge which helps our bodies to function. Our nervous system works on electricity and our heart beat and heart rhythm is timed by electrical impulses. So being electrically tuned is critical to our very function.  We have polarity and should be grounded to the Earth and connected to the Earth’s electrical field.

When we are exposed to these energies for extended periods of time, it can take a toll on our energy and our vibratory levels, leading to fatigue, irritability, body aches and a general feeling of low energy and mood. This lowers immune function and leaves us more vulnerable to dis-ease and infection too.

Being in places with fluorescent lighting, Wi-Fi, the hustle-bustle of malls with no fresh air and noise, using cell phones for extended periods of time, sitting at computers all can have an effect. For many of us, these situations are unavoidable, so what can we do to reverse of prevent the effects of our modern living in this way?

  1. Get fresh air daily:
    Never underestimate being out in fresh air. We need fresh oxygen to help our bodies oxygenate our blood, making it vibrant and an efficient carrier of nutrients to our systems, including our brain to help us think and function clearly.
  2. Ground:
    Take some time to connect to the Earth. Having direct contact with the Earth for 20 minutes at least is ideal. Today there are grounding or earthing products you can purchase to enhance your personal grounding even in your own home.
  3. Drink Plenty of Water:
    The fluid in our bodies is our electrical conductor. When we are even the least bit dehydrated, this causes our bodily functions to waver and our electrical circuits have trouble making up for the lack of fluid, causing circuits, very often related to efficient digestion or hormonal function, to falter.
  4. Plan Your Outings:
    Last week, I had to visit several offices and closed spaces three days in a row. By the end of the week, I was achy and tired and I fortunately recognized why. When I can, I try to make sure to give myself plenty of time between going to closed offices, the mall and even movie theatres. It affects me and you may be surprised how this can contribute to your own vitality. If you work in such an office, find ways to raise the vibration of your workspace, using plants and perhaps crystals.
  5. Clear Your Space:
    There are several ways to do this, by intention, using herbs or blessed water or sound. Ask me how.
  6. Eat Highly Vibrational Foods:
    Do some research into what foods hold the highest vibration and tweak your diet, just a bit at first, to create a shift.

If you would like to find out more as to how you can personally clean up your home and work space, eat more energetically, creating a sense of increased vitality and well being, I invite you to a 30 minute complimentary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” Session with me. Just email me here to set it up: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Wishing you clarity and vitality in all aspects of your life,


Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012