When The Unexpected Happens

3 Ways To Get Calm and Centered

How do you cope when the unexpected occurs?

Do you resist by kicking and screaming?

Do you do everything you can to change what already is?

Do you argue and get agitated?

We have all been there at various junctures, when we are either shocked by events or perhaps too tired to deal with one more thing or the kids are all screaming for attention at the same time and thinking what to do next is simply too much. Whew!!!

So how do you stay sane and collect yourself after a forced change of course?

Wouldn’t it be great to get way less ruffled by outside circumstances?

Wouldn’t it be fantastic to know just what to say in the moment?

It would be great to approach moments like this when we are well rested and collected, but that’s not always the case.

So let’s see how we can collect ourselves in moments to re-center and re-focus:

1) Take a breath and notice how the air comes in with the inhale and releases with the exhale. When stressed, we tend to stop breathing or breathe very shallowly. It not only constricts the body, but starves the brain of oxygen so that our ability to solve problems is lessened.

2) Allow your eyes to scan the scene. By doing so, you are giving your brain and body a chance to reorient to your surroundings, which calms the nervous system, telling it that you are safe and not in danger.

3) Wiggle your fingers and toes. Sounds funny doesn’t it? What this does is to release excess energy in the system that could easily build up as anger and frustration and give us a sense that we need to struggle, fight or flee. It also rapidly brings us back into our body awareness, helping us to calm down and ground. Taking a walk will also help for the same reason.

Knowing that there is something you can consciously do in the more challenging moments can give you confidence and eliminate a sense of helplessness and I would like to invite you to a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session to help you deepen your sense of self resourcefulness.
Just click here to email me and we’ll set it up: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Coming Event:
I’m so pleased to share with you that I will be presenting at the ICF Israel International Coaching Federation Conference in Jerusalem, on Monday, July 22nd on “Resonance and Vibration as Invisible Lines of Communication at 5:50 PM. Needless to say, I am very excited to be able to speak about my passion within such a distinguished forum. Check out the Congress website: http://icf-congress.co.il/

ATTENTION WOMEN: BOOK LAUNCH TODAY WITH VALUABLE BONUS GIFTS! Chances are you’ve seen Elizabeth TenHouten on TV or in a magazine in the past few months. She’s an acclaimed expert on how you DO NOT need costly lotions and potions, spas or chemicals to bring out the dazzling beauty that is your natural state!
Today marks the launch of her new book that will teach you about common things in your kitchen which, applied to your skin, are ALL YOU NEED to bring out a level of beauty any Hollywood star would envy! Click here for more information about the book, bonus gifts and ordering! http://natural-beauty-book.com/

Wishing you ease and flow in the ups and downs of life,

Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy

copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013