Are You The Same Person With Everyone?

Do you act the same with everyone?

Do you behave in certain ways with one person and differently with others?

Do some people awaken special attributes within you while others do not?

Would some people say they know you in one way and others in another?

Isn’t that interesting? Have you ever thought about who evokes the best in you?

Have you ever thought about who you associate with that can help you be the best you?

Which YOU do you like the best among all of them?

I have found how much this phenomenon contributes to my life and my own unfolding and development.

I do my best to choose who brings the best out of me. This is one way in which I learn about MYSELF. Have you ever thought of who your friends are and how, if at all, they uplift you?

Many teachers and guides of personal development encourage us to surround ourselves with just these kinds of people, who uplift us and bring out our best qualities.

But what happens when we HAVE to associate with people who we don’t resonate with? How do we communicate our needs and desires to them, if they are literally not on the same wavelength as us? How do we do so without conflict?

I know that encounters like these have made me so fearful in the past, with me painting scenarios of outcome that don’t even exist, but my fear catapulting my mind into thinking that the worst outcome is the most likely. This would feed my fear even more. Not so aligned with how I would like to work with the Law of Attraction, is it?

It IS possible to achieve a really good result by taking some simple steps to prepare the space and encounter ahead of time.

Imagine yourself and the people involved meeting in a soft, energetic space. Invite in a field of love and compassion to surround all of you. Taking a few deep breaths into your heart and then invite them to enter into a conversation stemming from the love and compassion in your heart and speak to them, soul to soul, from your heart’s wisdom, in full respect and compassion with them and their needs as well. Make sure to do this from a place of love and integrity. If you try to manipulate your will in this space, it won’t work. Tell them everything, including all of your concerns on the matter you have to say and let them know that you trust that all of you can work out this matter to perfection and for the highest good of all concerned. Chances are that you will move into a state of resonance and coherence with them that will create a field of understanding and cooperation.

Continue to see this process working and from THIS space, finally go to meet them in person.

When you prepare in this manner, from  a place of love and integrity, it gives the process a wonderful chance for the issue involved to come to a really favourable result.

If you need some help doing so for yourself, I am happy to invite you to a 30 minute complementary session with me. Just click on the link and we’ll set it up:

Wishing you days of flow and loving connections,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012

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