When Things Just Aren’t Happening

no progress
Do you feel that your visions just aren’t happening?

Do you feel stagnant or sluggish?

Are you raring to go with no real destination?

Well, let’s take stock of what IS happening rather than what is not.

Take a good look at what you have envisioned for yourself within the last 2 years.

Where were you in your life 2 years ago? How did the various aspects play out, career wise, family wise, socially and in terms of your housing situation?

What aspects felt good and what were you satisfied with?

How did things look and feel and what did you want to shift back then?

Now carefully look at your life TODAY and tell me that nothing has shifted!

I’m sure you see at least a few elements that have somehow unfolded in a very nice way for you.

I have noticed this in my own life over and over; that when I am impatient for the next step to unfold, I have a tendency to forget or overlook what has been accomplished, sometimes in such a beautifully subtle way that is almost below my level of perception.

But it IS there!

You see, one of the things I am repeatedly realizing is that when the pace of my intended visions is slow and seemingly not really flowing, is that for one thing, things are actually happening and in parallel, I am being called to be more present with what is in existence right now! I am being asked to be present with whatever IS unfolding in my life right now, no matter how ordinary or mundane it may feel like.

The more we can really connect to the subtleties in our lives, the more alive we can be.

The more we can appreciate the tiny little things that make our lives colourful, the more colourful our lives will continue to be, because like attracts like. This applies to the way we think and how deliberately shifting an unpleasant thought, whether it’s a judgement, a fear, an insult, to something more pleasant, the more we will attract the pleasantness to our daily experience.

So try it and don’t get down on yourself if you can’t quite get it. Just try again because it takes practice. If you’d like my help, feel free to send me your time zone and skype name and we’ll set up a 30 minute “I’ve Got What it Takes” complementary session to get you started: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Marianne Williamson says about Dr. Judith Orloff’s new book “The Ecstasy of Surrender”: This book takes you straight into the light: our surrender to an intelligence, power, and love that is greater than our own. Dr. Orloff nails it.” Get book + free gifts here http://ecstasyofsurrender.com/

Wishing you clear perspective of your continual accomplishments,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014