3 Tips for Immediate Centering in The Midst of Chaos

About a month ago, in the midst of co-facilitating a workshop, in a deep space of attention and observation, I noticed that I was seeing the energy field around me and between me and the people in the room with me. As if that was not special enough, I also noticed that whenever I just looked at a person, without any intention whatsoever, his or her energy field would shift immediately and I wasn’t even intending anything!

Cool, I said to myself, deepening into the realization that not only are we interconnected, but we affect each other just by glancing at one another. So can you imagine what happens when we actually intend to affect each other? When we argue? When we have expectations of each other? How about when we show love for each other?

We all know what it’s like to be swept up by sudden, unexpected, stormy occurrences around us. We are not immune to the world and are constantly affected by it, even if it’s only (or maybe especially!) on television, on the internet, or just outside our doorstep. We are part of the world and affect it as well.
So what would happen if we trained ourselves to drop into calm and centering consistently? How would that affect us and the people around us? What can we do to develop inner quiet and a sense of self and centering despite the chaos around us?

Step One is to remember a time when we were calm, quiet and safe. Let yourself drop into the energy just by observing your breath. It only takes a moment. You don’t have to commit to an hour of meditation. Think of it as an exercise in focus and coming back to yourself.

Step Two is to remind yourself that you are not our thoughts, but that your thoughts actually can be of service or disservice to you. If you are thinking a troubling thought, shift your focus deliberately to a more serene, joyful thought.

Step Three is to recognize the shift in sensation, most likely to a sense of calm and probably a sense of flowing energy in the body. Allow it to deepen and thank yourself for this little inner vacation, knowing that you not only have calmed yourself, but have affected the energy field around you.

If you choose to make this a habit, you will probably begin to notice how people around you seem calmer and happier.

Here’s to a happier, joyful world!

Rhonda Joy

copyright, Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2011