When In Doubt, Speak From Your Heart

heart hands
Do you fear not being heard or understood?

Do you find yourself rehearsing possible scenarios before a significant meeting only to find that none of them applied in the context of what was being said in the moment?

Do you get nervous thinking you will be taken advantage of?

All of us have been in these situations from time to time, but how can we actually shift this incessant useless thinking and move into a more authentic, mutually honoring place?

Have you ever considered that the old way of expecting to be taken advantage of may actually be passé and that we as Humans can now easily move into a much more positive state of flow and consideration?

What I usually do when I have to prepare for an important meeting, is to move into my heart, before the meeting and to imagine an atmosphere of safety and openness for all concerned. I then imagine a sense of compassion and everyone FEELING safe, heard and appreciated. Only then do I go to the actual face to face meeting, knowing that there has already been open communication in the energetic realm. I then express my point of view when there is space for it and according to how I sense that it can be received.

By doing this, I am not only avoiding speaking in opposition to the person or people that I am meeting with, but I am also coming from a place of compassion and trust. It makes a world of difference and allows for seemingly opposing points of view to be bridged with ease.

It is truly all in the space of the resonance of the Heart.

The Heart has an intelligence of its own and if we let it, we can live a fuller life of flow and ease.

So I’d would love to hear of you own experiences of living in a Heart space and Authenticity. Feel free to email me with your stories! rhonda@box5656.temp.domains

The Nine Stargate Initiation in the Beit Keshet Forest last Thursday was so loving, deep and embracing, imbued with the Divine Mother’s Omnipresence and with the loving help of the elementals of the forest.
You can read up about it here: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/this-is-new-page/the-nine-stargate-initiation/.
Just email me if you wish to sign up: rhonda@box5656.temp.domains

Happy Jewish New Year! I would love to gift you with a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session to help you get off on the absolute best start for the New Year and this next chapter of your life. Just drop me a line with your time zone and we’ll set it up: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Wishing you clear, authentic Heart based communication,
Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013