Sing Your Own Song!

Do you long to express yourself in a way you have never dared to?

Are you afraid of being judged by people not getting what you have to say?

Do you have trouble finding ways to say what you mean?

How about being able to do just that, only in a way that circumvents your and others’ judgment?

How about expressing something powerful that doesn’t require words and finds its way directly into people’s hearts?

This is what can happen when you Sing Your Own Song, your own in- the- moment melody, straight from your heart and your cells. This is what can touch you and others so deeply, that it quiets the mind and feeds the soul.

Using a wordless song, you can enliven parts of you long forgotten and create a doorway to expression that not only circumvents the mind, but opens the heart and the very cells of your being. This kind of song helps to calm you, clear unnecessary toxins from your mind and body and makes room for more joy and expansion on an everyday level. It can also balance your energy centers and your hormones, creating a vibrancy that you may be longing for.

When I first began spontaneous singing, I was a bit tentative, but before long I discovered a mode of expression that I understood to be ancient, wise and very accepting. It has been a way for me to enter a dimension of Grace and even Wonder.

When I am feeling off, just like anybody else I usually don’t feel like doing anything and can even forget my own tools for shifting out of my funk. But when I DO remember, just uttering the first few sounds that are just waiting to be heard opens a gateway to clear, open and enlivening expression.

Sometimes my song will be wistful, sometimes angry, sometimes frustrated and sometimes absolutely angelic and joyful! All it takes is the reminder that anything can be expressed all the way into the heart level with sound, vibration and SONG!

So allow me to invite you to experience your own 30 minute complementary Discover Your Soul Song session and to teach you how to sing it for yourself; every day if you choose! Just drop me a line with your time zone and we’ll set it up here:
Can’t wait to hear from you and to get started!


On October 12th at 12 noon local time everywhere on the globe, my good friend, mentor and teacher Jeanne White Eagle, will be leading us in the Global Day of the Song.
This comes from a dream she had a few years ago where the world was being asked to CREATE A SPONTANEOUS SONG, NO WORDS, NO THOUGHT,
Together we will create a VIBRATIONAL FIELD OF LOVE to encompass our planet and all life here. It is simple. It is easy. It can be done anywhere, with a group or alone.
Check out the Facebook page here and join with us as we create a wave of Sound and Love!

With sheer love, faith & enthusiasm, Donna R. Joyner has created a highly-unique plan for getting in shape while embracing the strength & support that can come into your life through God’s glory & grace. Get your copy of #WitnesstoFitness today to get free gifts:

Wishing you flowing expression and loving connection,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013