Revved Up and Ready For Relationship Renewal?

Isn’t spring just wonderful?

Does it inspire you to move forward and create?

Can’t you just smell the newness in the air?

So what is it you’d like to change and are you really READY for change?

Change can be sexy, but when it comes down to it, sometimes it’s absolutely TERRIFYING!

One of the reasons for it being SO scary is that our past experiences tend to color a lot of our decision making. Many of us base our choice on what WAS as opposed to what IS. To how were have been in the past as opposed to how we are now and what we are becoming as human beings. This applies to how we function in relationships as well. Do we base our relationship choices on the past or on how we want our lives to be fuller, more satisfying, more fulfilling and open hearted?

I think many of us do a combination, meaning that we base our decisions on past wounds, while still trying to move forward and create a new basis for friendship and communication. This is courageous and wonderful, really and I would like to suggest an even better option.

What if you could neutralize past insults and hurts and could see everyone and mean everyone, with fresh eyes? What if you suddenly realized that we are literally all connected by invisible lines of connection, meaning that we affect each other much more deeply than we had ever imagined?

So why don’t you try something really simple? Before engaging in what could be a very irritating or challenging conversation, visualize how you would like it to go. Imagine that each of the parties is really being heard, not only the words but the emotional meaning of the conversation too. Imagine that they each come to a conclusion that suits both parties. THEN make the call.

It could make the difference between having a heated argument and having a friendly, candid conversation with resolution of an issue.

To help you with all of this, I would like to invite you to a very unique and special event on April 22nd and 23rd once again with myself and Dr. Owen James, renowned medical intuitive.

We will be delving into how to RECLAIM WHAT IS YOURS WITH THE POWER OF LOVE AND FORGIVENESS and to take a bold step to free yourself once and for all.


You will discover how different communication styles affect you and others and how to be Creative, rather than Reactive, with each other. You will learn how your and another’s uniqueness is the spice in human relationship, rather than an irritation. Together, we will learn ways to connect on the MIND AND HEART level, releasing us to be ourselves much more deeply.

Why wait to see if time will heal this? In being proactive, you can release yourself from much heartache and become more available to YOURSELF to lead a fuller, more expressive life by far, thereby inviting in the most satisfying relationships.


Check it out right here for details and registration:,
Rhonda: 052 2985416, Judy: 02 5335014

I look forward to you joining us in a creative space of recognition and acceptance.

Also, get ready for the Women of Vision Empowerment Retreat on May 11th-12th in the beautiful Goddess House in Yavniel. We will delve into sharing, feminine wisdom and heart based leadership. I can’t wait to share with you!
Check it out here:

Wishing you a beautiful spring of renewal,

With Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012