Oops, I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!

Remember Steve Urkel, the geeky awkward boy from the sitcom  “Family Matters”?
He was so awkward that at times he couldn’t get his body parts to work too well with each other and he would fall down and not be able to get up.

Well, that is exactly how I felt the other day when I was on the way to an out of town bus and I missed the curb and well, not so elegantly found myself hugging the curb with my ribs.

Ouch! Not only did it hurt but it was embarrassing.  A woman did come up to me to ask if I needed help, which was very nice.

I did proceed to take the bus and go to my meeting, all the while doing EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Somatic Experiencing to release the trauma from my body and, well, my slightly bruised ego too!

Hey, it was no big deal, but I do have to deal with sore ribs, which are slowing me down.

So I ask myself, why did I attract this sort of thing into my life? Is it a sign to slow down and listen more? Does it mean that I’m afraid to move forward?

I really don’t know exactly what it means, but it is giving me an opportunity to regroup and reexamine where I am right now in terms of my choices and visions for myself.

I find myself more aware of details, even the way the light hits the dust I hadn’t noticed along the wall by the kitchen table. It gives me an opportunity to take care of the “small” stuff that makes my life so much more enjoyable, like knowing that the dust is taken care of and that my environment is just a bit more pleasant.

Maybe it’s giving me an opportunity to “Clean up My Act”!

So what do you choose when life knocks you for a loop?

Do you plow ahead like nothing happened?

Do you go into self blame or blaming others?

I prefer to use it as a way to observe and witness what is happening, allowing for the edges to soften just a little, reminding myself that I’m Human and that this body needs attention too. I’m allowing it to reweave itself to a place of new comfort and integration, as I pay it attention, care for it and even sing to it, to allow the break in my energy field to cohere once again.

So where in your life do you feel could use some new inspiration and energy? Your job, your relationships, your home? We all have something that we’d like to improve and upgrade.

I invite you to do just that, in a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery “ session with me, to help you to identify the areas that would just love some attention, without the need to fall and get hurt to be aware of them. Just click here and we’ll set it up:  http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Owen James, renowned medical intuitive is returning once again at the end of April both to give private sessions and to partner with me in a new workshop to bring you back to your inner power and center. Owen is a remarkable healer and will be giving sessions both in Mevasseret and in Kiryat Tivon. He will be in Tivon on Tuesday April 30th and Wednesday May 1st.  To book a spot in Tivon, please call me at 052 2985416.

24 HOURS ONLY! Today is launch day for an important new “must-read” book!  “What Was God Thinking?!” is an intimate dialogue between author Sandy Alemian and God, packed with surprising answers and uplifting insights about love, death, fear, self-worth, relationships, money and more. You’ll LOVE this book! And when you order it today during the official launch, you’ll get over $500 worth of bonus gifts with it! http://sandyalemian.com/book

Wishing you self compassion when life throws you a curve (or curb) ball,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013