Thank You 2014, Welcome 2015

happy new year
What an extraordinary year 2014 has been!

It was definitely a roller coaster and not always fun, but certainly significant and life changing.

I moved to a totally new area and town to a beautiful home, I became a proud and excited grandmother to a gorgeous baby girl. I am so proud of my daughter, for allowing me to be at the birth and to be one of her birthing coaches. She is a tiger!

My new stomping grounds are in the beautiful Galilee and the Golan Heights so I get to drive around the beautiful Sea of Galilee and revel in the constantly changing vistas as the seasons change.

Moving house has challenged me to find a new inner anchor, because it takes time to fell completely grounded in a new place.

Business wise, I continue to expand my practice on Skype and the phone, while maintaining my face to face practice at my previous venue as well as developing a new clinic in my new home. I have definitely been dancing and creating new steps and new rhythm!

So as you can see, I am so grateful for this past year including the hardships that have taught me above all; more trust and finally joy and satisfaction.

I look forward to 2015 and already feel the inner movement of the visions I have for this year. I intend to continue to grow personally and professionally and even to dare to look for a way to join a musical company to sing with!

So tell me, how was your year? What was challenging and what are you grateful for? What have you learned and what surprises popped into your life?

I would love to help you envision and ground your next amazing year by inviting you to a 30 minute complementary “Rock Your New Year Session” to help you thank yourself for how far you have come and to clarify what you next want to invite in. Just drop me a line with your time zone and I will get back to you right away.

Love and Blessings for the best Year Ever,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014