Take That Leap and Fly!

Are you afraid of change?

What happens when the unexpected once again creeps into your life?
Do you get frustrated or do you embrace it as an adventure?
Maybe a little of both?
What helps you get back into the flow and the stream of life?

Let’s face it, as much as some of us love the sense of flow that change brings with it, most of us are more than a little afraid when it comes to major change, like changing jobs or moving our homes and such.

This kind of process often comes with a good measure of a sense of adventure and fear, both of which can help us feel our way into the right meld of both for us. Both fear and adventure can actually be useful in terms of guiding us to the scenario that feels the best to us, leading us on a path of alignment.

So don’t fear the fear! Use it as a guide to what does feel aligned and falling in place!

Why am I bringing this up? Well, I committed to moving out of my current home and am not really sure where I will land! Yes, the Eagle is flying and getting the higher perspective of where to perch. I’ve never really leapt like this before and while I do have a certain sense of apprehension, for the most part, it feels so freeing and exciting!

I’m learning to function in this space of freedom more and more. It ignites my creativity and enthusiasm.

So where in your life would you leap but are afraid to do so?

How many times have you thought of your dream home, your dream job, your dream relationship but were afraid to ask and TAKE ACTION for it?

Why NOT ask for it? It may be the best gift you could ever give yourself and those you love.

If you would like help in weaving just such a situation from a place of envisioning just the right scenario and then calling it in from a place of excitement and lovely anticipation, then drop me a line stating your time zone and we’ll set up a 30 minute complementary Live Your Dream Visioning Session here: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Speaking of living your Dream, Today, Dr. Jin Robertson launches her new book that charts her journey from poor Korean immigrant to Harvard PhD and Major in the U.S. Army! Order in the next 24 hours and you’ll get not only $100’s in bonus gifts, you’ll also get Volume 1 of her story FREE – covering her struggle to get ahead in Korea before reaching the U.S. #MajorDreamBook Click here for more information about the book, bonus gifts and ordering! http://majordreambook.com/

Wishing you the joy of living your dreams,

Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013