Hey, it’s Okay, You’re Probably in Transition!

So you’re feeling lousy, maybe even with a fever, berating yourself for not taking good enough care of yourself or criticizing yourself for putting yourself in unfavorable circumstances. You may be coughing, your body hurts and you’re miserable.

Well, have you considered the possibility that these may be symptoms of growth???

Your body may simply need some space and time to catch up to all the energetic work that you have been doing! Has the consciousness work you’ve been doing gone unnoticed by the rest of your being?

Let me explain. Big, sometimes very rocky shifts are happening in the world right now, like Hurricane Sandy. Do you know that there is a prayer request out to help Sandy be milder to intend for it to be gentler and less damaging?

WHAT??? Pray for a change like that???

Yes, there have been several empirical, scientific studies about how the power of prayer has significantly reduced the crime rate in some major cities, just from enough people coming together to create what is called critical mass, or enough energy to cause a shift that is clearly felt and measurable.

So why not do this for yourself and your body? Why not do this for some sticky circumstances you may be in now, with no solution in sight?

Let’s clarify. Two things may be happening here.

One may be that you have been in some major changes, including things that you may be interpreting as stress because you have had difficulty finding a way to be in flow with it, not being in a place of acceptance. This causes stress.

The second may be that you have thought that there is nothing you can do to change it and that it is negative. You may feel that you are really sick.

I remind you that everything is consciousness. Everything has awareness and that it is easy to address that awareness and to communicate with it; to address it with compassion and acceptance. Once you do this, it’s like a little child finally getting the attention it so longs for.

Try it now by putting your attention on it, acknowledging it and showering it with love and acceptance. Take the time to be with it, without judgment and feel what happens. It can make a whole lot of difference!

If you would like some personal help as to how to begin this process for yourself, then gift yourself with a 30 minute complementary session with me, by clicking this link and we will set it up: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Finally, here’s a wonderful way to connect to abundance, by Bashar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PEnQkHGZOg&feature=related
I find him inspiring and really humorous!!!

Wishing you smooth and compassionate times of shift and transition,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012