Give It The Best You’ve Got!

As I sit at the airport waiting for my flight from Israel to the U.S., I contemplate the adventure I am about to embark on. I am going to share the work that I have been doing for the past 9 years and will be meeting new people, as well as experiencing some in-depth personal development processes myself.

I truly have no idea how it all will unfold, but have committed to give it my absolute best, to hold nothing back and to share whatever I can fully.

In the past this was not the case. I was shy in terms of the unique insights I was receiving, fearing that people would reject my point of view and downright guffaw! I was so busy fearing what people would think, that I greatly shortchanged both myself and them.

Since then, as I share more and deepen the work, I have realized how much value the perspective I hold has for the benefit of others. The more I share, the more insights come through and I have found this to be of great value to others.

I believe this is true for all of us. We each have unique gifts, unlike anyone else’s and NOT sharing them kind of short-changes the rest of us. I truly want to hear what people have to say and experience their points of view. What can I say? I’m really curious at heart and it excites me to discover the world through other people’s eyes!

So are you really sharing your gifts and giving life all you’ve got?
Is there anything in the way of you be the best you can be?
Do you feel you are on your life path?
Do you long for more focus and clarity?

If not and you feel frustrated and want to create a more meaningful life, one way to begin your journey is to see which of the things other people are doing excites you, or what things  you admire in them.

What people do you look up to? What are they doing in their life? How does it inspire you?

When you can relate to the gifts they are sharing, you may even get inspired yourself. The more you can feel what they are offering, the more tapped in to your own resonance and talents you may be. Practicing the feeling and the enthusiasm is key.

Want to hear more?  I invite you to a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery” session to begin to create your dream path, in real life, in a practical, step by step way.

Email me at: and we’ll set it up!

With Love and Enthusiasm,

Rhonda Joy

copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2011