Why Creation Wants You in Your Highest Light

Do you feel that you can do more for yourself and the world?

Are you frustrated that you are not in your full expression?

Do you berate yourself for being less than you would like to be?

I bet that you simply have not had the experience of your Mastery enough times to imprint the feeling and the pattern of it.

Creation wants each of us to make the highest contribution possible to LIFE at all times. It wants everyone to express him or herself on the highest levels as the WHOLE reaps logarithmic benefit from this, creating a world of ease, love and prosperity. In this place there no dis-ease, angst or fear.

So let me give you some pointers of how to do this:
– Get in touch with the things you ARE good at. Allow yourself to feel the uplifting feeling of accomplishment, satisfaction and contribution.
– Attract people who inspire you to be in your best light at all times.
– Encourage others to be in their own best light! Reflect how talented they are and how much appreciated they are.

By doing creating these simple actions, we proactively create a vibration of upliftment around and within us, like a constant wave of inspiration feeding our creative source and essence inside. The gifts that the world receives as a result are priceless and innumerable. It creates a Win-Win situation at all times.

Coming Event:
Forgiveness Healing and Sound Ceremony For All , Focusing on the Native American Genocide. We are honored to invite you to gather with us on Thursday May 9, 5 pm, at the home of Eliyahu and Leehee Holley.
Together we will do sacred ceremonies with the help and guidance of Katy Lowry, Connie-Keshet Risk, Whitefeather and Ori, and Wata Revital Arieli. Please arrive at 4.45 so we can begin on time, and bring food to share if you can.
Thursday May 9, 5 pm. at the home of Eliyahu and Lehi Holley,
36 Hagefen, Castel, Mevaseret Zion
Connie- 050 7278627, Eliyahu-02 6416776

The smash hit book “The Map” comes out on Thursday! All 5 star reviews on Amazon! You read “The Secret” and realized it was possible…NOW read “The Map” and find out HOW! Order it today during the launch and get valuable bonus gifts! http://themaptoourresponsiveuniverse.com/

Billy Bully’s Wake up Dream is a children’s book for all (ages 6-106), that cultivates compassion, empathy and inner peace for our volatile world. Billy’s journey was born out of a dream that woke me up. It comes to wake us all up. The children are our future and we are being called to support them to bring in a new reality for humanity. Billy Bully’s story guides us to cultivate compassion and empathy for ourselves and others, knowing that love is our foundation. The book offers a vision that rises above the violence that surrounds us and guides us to another reality, where caring for ourselves and others is our top priority.

Wishing you inspiration and action of your highest expression,

Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013