The Realm of All Possibility

It is a few days before the Jewish New Year and naturally a time of examination and perspective of what has already occurred.

It’s also a wonderful time to state what you would love to manifest now.

Even if you’re not celebrating this holiday, why not take a few moments to reevaluate where you are in terms of how you would like your life to be.

Remember, you are now living the intentions of the past and your intentions now will become your present experience in the future. This is an opportunity to regroup and reform based on your present perspective.

So what is your vision of the best scenario for you future?

How does it feel?

Who is involved in your life?

Who would you like to invite in?

Remember, when you envision something like this, you can access the Realm of All Possibility!
In this place, everything already exists energetically. It’s a little like entering this gargantuan pantry full of all the goodies of the Universe in which you can pick and choose anything you want.

So allow your imagination to take you to what is possible and don’t hesitate to state what it is that you want and would love to have in your life! We all know what we don’t want, so all we have to do is to state what we do want, in a clear field of possibility along with the sense of satisfaction and joy it is already bringing us.

Have fun playing there!

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Wishing you endless possibility and clarity for the New Year and beyond,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013