My Leap of Faith

leap of faithI am undeniably in transition!

I sold my home of the last 5 years and moved out last week, moving my stuff into my new home which is now being renovated.

Interesting word: renovation, which automatically implies renewal and revival, perfect for the New Year.

During this process of packing and releasing things that I no longer need, I have unavoidably come face to face with historical things and events that I would not have normally encountered without the weeding and categorizing that comes with moving.

The entire process has been, well, MOVING and deeply emotional and I am so very happy that I am allowing myself to take this LEAP OF FAITH by moving to an entirely new area and town. With all the earlier uncertainty gone, it all feels so lovely and RIGHT.

Rarely have I ever allowed myself to jump so deeply into the unknown and it’s been a bit of a roller coaster experience, fraught with elation and fear, but somehow, I was lead to the very best place and house I could have ever wished for.
I think that this experience will give me more confidence to leap and TRUST more in the future.

So when and how have you leapt in your life and what did it open up for you?

I would love to hear from you and feature your experiences in my upcoming newsletters, to help others gain inspiration. Just drop me a line here:

We have a wonderful lineup of inspirational material, so go ahead and check it out:
“Isn’t it time to help our kids?”
Successful Kids Revolution
25 Experts/25 Days
Starting January 20th you’ll learn firsthand from experts like Christy Whitman, Larry and Oksana Ostrovsky, Dr. Margaret Paul, Shelly Lefkoe, Natalie Ledwell, Tori Hartman, Karen Curry, Izzy Kalman, Mike Domitrz, Sherry Gaba, Anat Baniel, Brad Yates, John Seeley and more, who will share all the tools you need to ensure success for your child at home and in our schools!
It’s absolutely FREE . . . and it’s happening right here—on your computer. This online global event is being hosted by Julie Kleinhans, Youth Empowerment and Education Expert.
Never before has such a powerful and diverse group of experts in personal development for kids, parenting, health and education gathered in one place to help you discover exactly what you need to overcome the barriers that are keeping your child from their personal fulfillment and success.
Join Successful Kids Revolution Now!
In an honest, no-holds-barred approach, Dr. T.F. Lewis vents her frustration with the hypocrisy and judgmental belief systems that have overrun many Christian institutions.
However, she offers a way home in a stark voice that’s intended to shake the foundation of today’s Protestant church and return it to the compassionate teachings of what it really means to live a loving, Christ-like life. Click here for more information about the book, bonus gifts and ordering!
Wishing you the courage to champion your transitions with Grace and Flow,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014