Your Heart Remembers

Do you have memories of past events that haunt you?

Do you find yourself avoiding certain situations for fear of being hurt again?

This is of course a normal human reaction to painful memories and completely understandable.

But what if these feelings no longer apply to your present situation and are keeping you from a life of free expression and creativity?

Our hearts are huge memory banks of every experience we have ever had on an emotional and visceral level. Everything we have felt is recorded in the very cells of the heart. Each cell serves as a vibratory record keeper of these events.

In the book “The Heart’s Code”, Paul Pearsall shows how people who have had heart transplants  have memories that their donor experienced and how one of these memories actually lead to the finding of one donor’s murderer!

What an extraordinary role!  Our hearts record the good times and the bad times, indiscriminately. Unfortunately, many of us will develop avoidance behaviours based on the bad times that are recorded, even if the situation from which they evolved no longer exists. We may be ready to move on in a big way but can’t, because our hearts still hold the belief that it isn’t safe.

So what can we do to clear these memories?

Why not try this:
Take 3 deep, falling out breaths and settle into your heart, letting its beating be felt deeply in your tissues. Acknowledge it for the tireless work and service it does for you constantly.  Allow it to begin communicating with you. Know that it houses an immense amount of information about you, both conscious and unconscious, filtering out the experiences that may be too much to handle on a day to day basis, shielding you from overwhelm. Let it show you, through sensation, imagery, memory or emotion, some of the material it has held for you. Tell it that you have come to meet with it and help it to neutralize all the experience and pain that is no longer relevant to store, in order to clear it thereby giving it the opportunity to be more joyful, lighter and freer.

Call in a field of love and allow it to surround and interpenetrate your heart. Feel it weave itself into every cell, every strand of DNA.

Invite all of the pieces that are holding pain to be available. Let them know that you are present for them and that you recognize what they are holding. Now, invite them to integrate into the wholeness of your heart, allowing them to be an integral part of the whole, meeting them with gentle compassion, understanding and love. See them coming back into the immense field of love in and around your heart.

Breathe in the wholeness and welcome it all home, to your heart, your core.

Enjoy the new sense of wholebeing.

I would like to invite you and your heart to the upcoming “Women of Vision” Empowerment Retreat, on Thursday and Friday, February 14th and 15th in beautiful Yavniel.
Check out “Women of Vision” here:

We will also be celebrating One Billion Rising on Thursday Fe14th, a global event for all people to stand up, dance and celebrate to eradicate all forms of abuse against women. It’s time to celebrate each and every one of us a sacred being.

In addition, the following is a very informative and shocking documentary about what Wi-Fi is doing to our cells and bodies. I highly recommend that you take the time to see the entire film:!

Wishing you heartfelt love and compassion for yourself and others,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013