Do You Have A Voice?

Do you have a voice in your life?

Do you feel heard?

Does your expression get across to the audience you are addressing?

Yesterday was national Election Day in Israel. Interestingly, the word VOTE in Hebrew also means VOICE, so in Hebrew voting truly has the meaning of expressing yourself when you vote. Your “voice” in this instance, has the powerful potential to create change in the collective and society. I am hopeful with the results as it looks like there will be a significant shift in the functioning of the new government.

To me, my voice is very significant as much of my work and involves singing Soul Songs to my clients as part of their re-membering, meaning, reconnecting to their true self, and their true essence. So being true to the energy coming through me and then voicing it is crucial to precisely channel their special, unique song to them.

Sound and vibration are truly the basis of all matter; of everything that comes into form, so anything we voice has a specific vibrational pattern and affects all the surrounding vibration around us. This is why the ancients remind us to exercise impeccability when we speak and function in the world. We each have immense impact on our surroundings and when we speak or utter and sound, we shift the patterns around us.

So what is your unique gift in this arena? Do you speak authentically from your heart or do you repeat only what you have been told or what you have read until now? Do you speak from your life experience, which is so very valuable at times as a guide for others?

What would you like to say or utter that you haven’t dared to until now?

Why not make a list of these things, to allow them to gently unfold into the world; to give them a chance to organically manifest? Jot down everything, without being concerned about how it will come about. I bet there is a plethora of things just waiting to be expressed.

I would also like to remind you that you are welcome to download my free e-book, “Discover Your Soul Song” with the button on any page of my website:

Special 2013 Introductory Offer:
Receive your unique Soul Song Reading Sound file now at over 30% discount, for $60, until the end of February. This file is yours to listen to repeatedly as a 2013 Vision and Manifestation Tool, to help to align your Human Energy Body to your 2013 Vision in ease and coherence. Take advantage of this unique way of attuning yourself and upgrading your vibration easily, in complete alignment with your essence and the NOW YOU. Just click here to claim it: and please include your time zone or location.

Wishing you the appreciation and satisfaction of voicing yourself and being authentically heard,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013