Are You Gearing Up For A Shift?

Do you feel that there is a sense of unexplained expectancy in the air?

Does it feel like something is about to happen?

Have you noticed a sense of excitement?

Well then, you may be just about ripe for a shift in your life!

Take into account that this is an opportunity to flow into something new while you stay actively engaged in the process.

What I mean is, is that gone are the times when all you could do was sit back and Hope that you will be somehow guided to a favourable outcome. Today, we all have the opportunity to partner with Creation (as we are co-creators) and to tweak things just right to keep flowing in a conscious, engaged manner.

This is not to say that things will always go your way, but that you have a hand in seeing things come to fruition, using your Inner Compass and your Intuition. The more you can stay centered and balanced, the more you will recognize when things feel “just right” or “off track”.

The feeling of “off track” is simply an opportunity to invest more attention and care into the process, using trust and a sense of coherence or balance as your guides. Using these guides, you will always know if you are On Track or Off Track. It’s simply a sense of harmony or dis-harmony.

So keep envisioning what you are inviting in to your life and gently allow and flow with what begins to manifest. Remember, you can take an active part in the process, realigning, sometimes asking to shift the pace if it is too fast for you and you need more time and space to process what is happening.

One more thing: if you think that things are not going “Your Way”, please take into account that we always get what we expect and call in, so you may want to re-examine what does not seem in alignment and consciously shift your intentions so that it can shift without subconscious tugs to what you seem not to want.

If you would like help being accurate, I heartily invite you to a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session with me by phone or skype. Just click here to email me your time zone and we’ll set it up:

Wishing you gentle shifts and flowing change,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013