Are You Grateful???

Do you review your life or are you waiting for when you will really have to?

Do you live in appreciation and gratitude of what you have?

Do you think of where you have been and not only of what you have yet to accomplish?

What can I say? Sometimes, when I’m not paying too much attention and sometimes intentionally, I fall into this beautiful space of gratitude for everyone and everything I have and share in my life. At times it brings tears of joy and fills me with the most delicious sensation of love and excitement.

Why is this important? It’s important so that I can know where I have been, savor it and move on to the next good thing. So that I have perspective in my life and know in which way I choose to build and intend for my future.

What do I mean by intending for my future?
Creating an intention or vision for my future is a clear and simple way of manifesting the best life situation. If I don’t have direction or vision, I will be lost in the soup of life, not really knowing what I want or what brings me joy and what path I want to take.

It also gives me hope.

Without hope, we can fall into confusion, frustration and stress.

One way of getting to a place of creating intention is to be in gratitude. Gratitude and love are two of the highest vibrations and sensations you can experience, bringing you into a sense of creativity and flow.

So a simple recipe for being in gratitude intentionally can be:

  • Make a daily or weekly gratitude list. Put down everything that comes to mind that you appreciate and are grateful for.
  • Let the people in your life know how much they mean to you and WHAT they mean to you.  We all need to know that we make a valuable contribution in one another’s lives.
  • Let yourself know how much you appreciate yourself. Your gifts, talents, attributes and quirky faults. Let yourself know that you are more than okay just the way you are. This is a vehicle for accepting this in others too.
  • Thank God, the Creator or whatever your name is for a Higher Power, for the opportunity to be here now.

Please remind yourself that life can be simple. That is another thing that gratitude brings us.

I would like to thank you for reading these words, in the hope that it can contribute to your life in a positive and valuable way.

I would also love to invite you to a 30 minute complementary session with me in which we can clear the way to simplifying your life and accessing gratitude and appreciation. Just click on the link to claim it:

In Gratitude and Appreciation,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012

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