Is Your Anxiety Just An Old Habit?

Do you sometimes feel that you are walking around with this subtle river of anxiety flowing just beneath the perceptible surface?

Do you have extreme reactions to certain aspects of changed plans?

Do you have trouble simply going with the flow and enjoying the ups and downs of life?

Hey, you are truly not alone.

Many of us have felt like this for varying periods of time, while some periods of anxiety are more intense and long lasting than others.

None of us lives in the world alone; completely isolated from events outside of ourselves that tend to affect us. Not only that, nobody here on Earth is here without a history of events that helped to shaped how he or she functions today.

Another thing to take into consideration is the collective energy field each of us is a part of. If there is an increased vibration of collective anxiety in the field, like in a war zone or a place steeped in severe crime and poverty, our own fields will be affected without even taking our individual situations into account!

Finally, sometimes anxiety is just an old leftover habit that we are conditioned to be in for the reasons above.

“Yes”, you might say, “but how can I shift out of these incessant patterns that are keeping me from enjoying life and really feeling the freedom to be my authentic self?”

1. Identify The Pattern: once you can identify the pattern repeatedly, you have a good chance at shifting it once and for all.

2. Make a conscious decision to move into the vibrations of Joy and Enthusiasm, like by just changing your thoughts to something pleasant.

3. Remember that we are steeped in a soup of collective vibration and consciously come back to your own center, to your own energy field with the intention of increasing the intensity of it. I have found this to be the best form of “protection”.

To help you with these principles, I warmly invite you to a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session with me. Just send me your time zone and we’ll set it up:

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Wishing you the opportunity to make your life more joyous and easy,

Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013