Have You Spoken to Your Body Lately?

Have you communicated with your body lately?

Have you noticed the changes and shifts happening in your physical complex?

Are you actively aligned with your systems and organs?

As Dr. Deepak Chopra says: “Your body’s not a structure. It’s not a noun, it’s a verb. It is a dynamic process”

So as a conscious dynamic process, the body has awareness and can be communicated to.

Isn’t that amazing? Consider what this really means! This means that we are not at our body’s mercy, but are in a constant interactive process with it and that we can speak to it, listen to it and interact with it as a friend and PARTNER.

So if my body is my partner, then I have a lot to say to it in terms of how I would like us to interact and function, right? Yes, I can actually tell my body what I want, but not only that, I can even acknowledge it for the mind blowing work and functioning that it does for “US” every day. Being a dynamic conscious process, my body also has emotions and emotional responses like feeling sad and down, like having a gut feeling and like feeling light and joyful.

We are often asked what we feel our body is saying to us when we are unwell or ill. What I would like to suggest is not to wait until we don’t feel well, but to visit our body’s intelligence and wisdom often to be an active partner with it.

We can do this is several ways and using sound and your voice is just one. It circumvents the conscious mind as well as quiets it, and had a very wholesome, calming and balancing affect on all of the systems. One system it particularly affects is the endocrine system, the hormonal system. This system is just as crucial to our wellbeing as the nervous and circulatory systems and has an immediate effect on how we feel. It is affected by planetary position as well as the phases of the moon.

This is so powerful and I am so excited to invite you to a 30 minute complementary session with me to balance you on a very profound level, bringing in and activating parts of yourself that may never have been active in your life before. Just send me an email to claim it: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Coming Event:
Ignite Your Transformation With Sage and Rhonda
Mer Ki Va and Mer Ka Va Activation
A 2 day Immersive Workshop with Sage Emery and Rhonda Joy Eagle

Join us as we raise our vibration and change our consciousness. All of us are experiencing many past lives full of trauma that are impacting us now. This prevents us from leading a free life at our full potential.

The installation of the Mer Ki Va and Mer Ka Va gives us the potential to clear trauma; upshifting our energy fields out of duality, as many past lives are accessed and cleared simultaneously. We will be ushered into Crystalline Consciousness and have the opportunity to experience Unconditional Love, Positive Power and Wisdom unifying us with our Multidimensional Self.

When: Friday June 28th to Saturday June 29th, 9:30 AM to 6PM each day
Where: 36 Hagefen St, Mevasseret, Near Jerusalem
Cost: 700 NIS – for 1 person, 2 people coming together get a 25% discount.

Registration fee: 100 NIS, to be deducted from full price.
Please bring a vegetarian dish to share for each day.

Please register as soon as possible as space is limited!
Rhonda: 052 2985416, rhonda@box5656.temp.domains,
Judy: 02 5335014, ente@netvision.net.il
Check this out for more details:  http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/2013/05/19/mer-ki-va-and-mer-ka-va-activation/

For us Raw Food Junkies: here is a link to Zra’im, a small Raw Food factory at Kibbutz Houkouk, near the Sea of Galilee. https://www.facebook.com/zraim.rawfood?fref=ts
They are more than happy to show you around and to offer you small tastes of their delicacies. The plant is clean and it is obvious that this is a labor of love.

Wishing you the most interesting and gratifying dialogue with your body,
Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle 2013