Accepting the Unexpected with Grace

Unexpected street sign
How do you cope with the unexpected?

Do you resist it, kicking and screaming all the way?

Do you move into action?

Do you freeze?

Perhaps you try to negotiate with it or go into denial?

Most of us do a little of each at different times.

My pattern is usually to go into action, leaving my emotions to be dealt with later on. At other times, I tend to try to negotiate with it, not wanting to feel the loss of control or the unknown looming right in front of me.

Nowadays when something unexpected and usually unplanned knocks at my door, I ask for Grace to guide and lead me.

What I mean by this is to ask for the Consciousness of Grace, the very vibration of it itself, to partner with me as I allow myself to move into the unknown.

The way I do this is first to remind myself to slow down, because usually by now my thoughts will be racing trying to find a solution to my situation.

But as Albert Einstein so aptly put it: “The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” This means that there is no way that I will find the solution in the same space of turmoil that the problem resides in. So after so many years of trying to rationalize things away or to change what is, I am learning to SLOW DOWN and to let GRACE take over.

Along with this, I also do my best to check in with myself during challenging time, to allow my system to regulate itself as I go along in order not to be flooded by the events occurring. This helps to keep me on an even keel, being better available to myself and others.

So how do you handle such a situation?

Would you like to shift your way of coping with such a situation?

Would you like to improve the skills you already have?

I am happy to invite you to a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session in which we will find a way to get you on track, focused and confident for just those times when things arise differently than you would have expected. Just drop me a line with your time zone and we’ll set it up:

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Wishing you Acceptance With Grace,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013