Be An Instant Manifestor!

Did you know that you are a major manifestor?

Do you pay attention to the synchronicities in your life?

Can you believe that we are actually here to co-create?

Just today I was talking to a dear friend and she related to me how she had recently had a very synchronous event happen to her. She was walking in her neighbourhood and noticed that there were leaves and other vegetation blocking the storm drains. Hmm, she thought, I should call and notify the municipality or else there will be floods here when the rains come. Not a moment later, a municipal worker came by with his weed-whacker to remove it! Not only that, but he instantly obliged her by cutting the stray weeds from the border between the sidewalk and her house! Instant manifestation, from thought to action immediately!

I remember having a similar experience too. I was hosting a friend from Australia, showing her some sacred sites around the Sea of Galilee. We were in Capernaum, a place where Jesus had walked and preached. It was winter, with soft sunlight dancing upon the gentle waves of the water. I said: “Wouldn’t it be great to meditate here” and as I looked up, I saw a sign stating “Prayer Area”, not two paces ahead. We both burst out laughing, delighted at the supposed “coincidence”.

We are all very powerful manifestors, more than we may think, especially when we choose to do so in collaboration, which makes the intention exponentially more powerful.

Can you think of an example of when this has happened to you? Did you chalk it off to coincidence? What if it wasn’t?

I would like to think that more often than not, it is us Human Beings co-creating with Creation on an active, almost instant level.

If this is true, then why not dream BIG?

Why not really go for the gold, intending for a MUCH better world.

We really are so very powerful and when our intentions are pure, they align with the greater good and open gateways of possibility just waiting for our intentions. Ask and it is given.

It all exists out there in the realm of possibility anyway, like a hologram with a different perspective depending on where you are looking from.

This is not to suggest that we all go out and ask for our Ferraris, but to really consider what we could use to assist Humanity and the Planet at this time of vast change and reorganization. For each of us to consider what assistance we would ask for to contribute, during these times of great possibility.

So go ahead and DREAM BIG. Let the Universe know what you really want. Nothing is too big in the realm of infinite possibilities.

If you’d like me to help you explore, then by all means be in touch with me for a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session by clicking here:

Don’t miss these Upcoming Events:
Immersion Into Sacred Sound  workshop, a One Day Journey into the Realms of Healing With Sound and Vibration in which I will be collaborating with Susan Murray, amazing musician and Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing practitioner. In Pasadena, CA, on Saturday, October 13th from 9AM to 6PM. To register, please call Susan at:   760-749-5585

Find Your Own Inherent Illumination in the Darkness workshop, a Workshop with Owen James and myself in which we will move together through these very intense times in the world and learn how to continue to flow and flourish within the new Earth context. Sunday October 28th in Mevasseret Zion, near Jerusalem, Israel, from 9AM to 5:30PM. To register, please call Judy at: 02 5335014

Wishing you all things good and a Happy Jewish New Year too!

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012


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