When In Doubt, Get a Second Opinion

We all make dozens of decisions every day and sometimes we ask for outside opinions which can be very useful. While weighing our options, it can certainly help to get other perspectives.

At the end of the day, we still have to make our own decision that will serve our highest good and at time that of those close to us. Sometimes all of the information that we gather can be contradictory and confusing and we may get so flooded that making a decision at that time simply becomes unwise.

Allow me to suggest a tool that may help in just such a situation.

Get a second opinion:

Listen to your heart.

Find a quiet place to be and settle into your body. Take a few nice cleansing breaths and just get in touch with the sensations coursing through at the moment. Notice your heartbeat. Gently pose the question you want to explore and sense what is happening. See if you get any images or sensations that may relate to the query. If you don’t, gently pose a probably solution and just sense how it feels. Does it make you feel calm or agitated? Do you get at sense of excitement or completion? Do you get all jumbled up inside?

Many sensations may come through, so pay attention to your questions and then go for the answers that give you the most pleasant sensations. That may give you a clue as to which way to go regarding a given situation.

So pose the question to your MIND, but don’t forget that posing it to your HEART and your BODY are just as important. It can give you a more rounded perspective on your query and the next action to take.

Want to find out how to easily do this yourself? Sign up for a 30 minute complementary session with me in which I will show you how to tune into your heart and body to get the answers to questions just waiting to be asked: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Wishing you clarity and easy decision making!

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012