Through The Gateway – A New Dawn

Have you noticed a sense of anticipation in the air?

Do you feel something new unfolding?

Have you ever wondered what your role in these new energies is?

You are not alone! Many of us are feeling like the pedal is on the metal, so to speak; as if we are off to the races in a brand new vibration.

The days between December 12, 2012 and December 21, 2012 are said to be a major Planetary and Human Gateway Opening into the new energies of a brand new era. This is truly a new dawn for Humanity and the Planet and an opportunity to move into a more collaborative way of being and caring for each other and Mother Earth.

This is facilitated by where our planet is situated right now in the Precession of The Equinoxes, a way to map where the planet is in the galaxy. Because of the present placement of the planet, we are fortunate to be in the energies that are awakening us, both personally and collectively.

This means that parts of our Being that have been dormant for eons now have the chance to activate and to realign with all that we are. This includes the sense of wanting to be in collaboration in a supportive, honoring and peaceful way, including the awareness of our impact on the planet itself.

So in order to partner with these energies, we are called upon to engage in activities, inside and outside, such as forms of meditation to connect to our own inner senses and outside, to connect and collaborate with each other. It is advisable to devise some form of NEW practice to help tweak yourself into the new reality and vibration. By changing at least ONE THING, you are training yourself to allow change and get friendly with it.

The key is in the ALLOWING.

This is not to say that you have to roll over and just take what comes, not by any means. What this means is that you can learn to be an active participant in the new flow that is unveiling itself; to contemplate HOW you fit in and how you can best contribute, in alignment with your personal truth.

To support this, I heartily invite you to our “Through The Gateway Gathering”, this coming Friday, Dec. 21st at Kibbutz Beit Keshet, from 9AM to 1PM, lead by Michal Cohen Simcha and myself. We will engage the tremendous Planetary and Human Consciousness opening of this momentous day with intention, visioning, movement, sound and vibration as we open our hearts and minds to create a wave of togetherness and collaboration. This will shift us to another level of functioning in our daily lives, from a place of intuition, flow, clarity and openheartedness.
We will learn how to be a participant in this shift, including connection to our biological changes and how to be in flow and growth along with them.
180 NIS To register, please call: Tel. 052 2985416. Looking forward to partnering with you there!

Finally, in the spirit of these times, I would like to share the following link to the movie “Home”, a movie about the state of the planet, how we have misused it and what we can do about it now.

I highly recommend that you watch it from start to finish.

Wishing you manifestation of your highest dreams,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012