The Amazing 2012 Circus Energies!

Sounds like a Barnum and Bailey circus line doesn’t it?
Well, this is kind of what the newfangled 2012 energies are beginning to feel like to me. So changeable and variable in the moment, that it is requiring me to be light on my feet with a spring in my step.

For those of you who are still rolling your eyes (and yes, thank you for reading on), I would like to ask you some questions:

  • Is your life on a calm, definite track?
  • Do you have all your ducks lined up in a neat row?
  • Can you see your future clearly?
  • Are you as fit physically as you would like?

Yes, to some of these and no to others? Well, hey, that’s because, at least from my perspective, the new energies are still lining up and this is the reason that some of us feel so up and down. One minute everything is going smoothly and the next, whammo, something new and fresh comes in to totally replace and rearrange the things that were going so beautifully, or sometimes not so beautifully.

I kind of look at all of this with an attitude of excited anticipation just to see what actually finally lines up. I see it as an adventure, because to me it feels like the old rules don’t apply anymore and I don’t know what the new ones are just yet. So I chuckle each time the energies stretch and adjust.

Of course, this is what happens when you catch me on my good days. Just the other day, I was not as centered as this and had a very stressful time, mainly because I was experiencing a very active day, but was very thirsty and hence extremely irritable. Take my water away and I become Godzilla. Not a pretty picture. Irritable, snappy, take your pick.

One GREAT way to balance these rollercoaster energies is to make sure we are well hydrated. Water is the actually the electrical conductor of our physical bodies and when we are in the least bit dehydrated, our physical function, whether our nervous system, muscular efficiency and even clear thought processes go off kilter.

In addition, ask yourself if there is any new kind of food that would benefit you and encourage yourself to eat at the intervals your body is asking for.

If you would like to explore living a in a more aligned way, I invite you to a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session with me. Just click here to claim it:

I remind you that the “Circles of Devotion” workshops with myself and Naomi Nonu-Carling are coming up next week. This is a cutting edge process to connect us to the new 2012 energies in a smooth and uplifting way. Check them out here:

Wishing us flexibility and acceptance as this year unfolds,

Much Love,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012