What Do You Live For- Your Passion or Your Commitments?

Are you living your life for other people?

Are you being asked to measure up to another person’s values?

Do you give yourself the loving attention that you give others?

Do you long to do something amazing in your life but never get to even the basics because LIFE gets in the way?

If you’ve answered yes to any or all of these questions, it may be high time to reevaluate according to whose values you are living.

If you are feeling like you never get your ideas off the ground, that your life is just not taking off and responsibilities rule, you may want to look into that!

But it’s not all black and white is it?
In order to live in a balanced manner, being true to yourself AND being in relationship – with people, with the world at large, it requires some acrobatics at times.

It requires being grounded in our personal truth while negotiating what the outside world also needs. None of us is here alone, thankfully, nor should we be.

So how do we create this balance, honoring or own needs and the needs of those around us, without forsaking either?

Well, I think one basic thing is to surround yourself with people of like mind; people who hold similar values to those of your own, with whom you feel a lot in common with. This in itself is a way to create a foundation of support for your ideas, your visions and your creativity. Find people who you resonate with to create mutual support for each other. By giving of yourself in an aligned manner which reflects your own values and creativity, you can be an immense support for one another, creating a deep sense of satisfaction for both of you.

By giving, we receive so much.

Another thing you can do is to call in your Sacred Circle of Support.  Find a quiet place to be, settle in and breathe and mentally call in anyone, people, guides, angels and teachers, who you think can support you, who are experts on the issues you are facing. Ask them to be with you and to support you, gently guiding and shedding light on your path. Allow yourself to feel their presence.

Both of these practices tend to provide us with a deep sense of support, of being seen in our personal truth and free us to be who we are on a deep level. From this place, serving others becomes a joy and effortless.

So, if you would like to deepen your exploration into how you can be in your truth while still being in relationship with the people and world around you, I heartily invite you to a 30 minute complementary  “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session. Just drop me a line here and we’ll set it up: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Wishing us balance on the inside and the outside,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012