Your Daily Ritual


“Let your life be like a living prayer” / Gregg Braden

Do you have a daily ritual?

Is there something that centers you and just makes things right?

It can be a yoga mudra, a cup of your favourite coffee or tea, that cracker at 10:30 in the morning that settles you, chanting, deep breathing; anything that brings You to You.

So what are your rituals? Do they connect you to yourself or serve to distract you and keep you away from the whisperings of your soul?

Do you go through the more mundane tasks that life requires or do you allow yourself to be present in them.

When you wash dishes, is it just a chore?

Recently, I had the delicious opportunity to pick cherries in the beautiful Golan Heights of Israel.

At first, I picked, not taking care whether the stems stayed attached. The mission was to get as many cherries into the container in the shortest time, right?

Wrong, as my partner pointed out. He showed me how to gently pluck them in such a way that the stems stayed attached and the fruit would gracefully be released. After a while, it became a meditation as I connected to the spirit of the tree, so that the tree and I both became involved in the process. It was so sweet and I didn’t want to leave.

Needless to say, it was a delicious experience in more ways than one.

Let’s Share Forum:
So what are the things that create the sense of order and grounding in your life?

I’d love to hear. Let’s share each other’s tools and creations to support each other in creating balance in our lives.

I will post selected sharings weekly so that we can have mutual benefit.

Just email me here:

Weekly Tip:
One of the best ways you can help save the bees from Monsanto’s pesticides is to support local beekeepers!

Raw, organic honey straight from the farmer’s market is always the way to go, and even a teaspoon of honey at the right time can make a huge difference in your health.

From the page AltHealthWORKS

Wishing you beautiful everyday rituals to sweeten your life,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014