Why Surrendering is NOT “Giving Up”

My friends and family know me well and often reflect to me, that when I want something, I go for it and rarely give up. I put “it” as a goal, visualize it, feel it, you know, a la Secret. It works very well most of the time, but there are times that no matter how well I prepare, visualize, call in all the relevant forces I can think of, nothing budges.

I recently got to play in this arena and learned a valuable lesson.

A few days ago, on Israel’s Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers, I woke up out of sorts, feeling down and abandoned. Contacts that I was waiting for weren’t getting back to me which affected my perceived need to move things forward on some important issues. Knowing that I was also probably being affected by the collective sadness and grief of this special day and that my judgment was sure to be a bit off, I decided to sit and meditate. While meditating (and all I mean is just taking a few quiet moments to settle and listen in), I asked for support. It felt good, I was calm, I felt a gentle sensation of pleasant flow and warmth and then I got up and went about my daily business.

Not two hours later, I sat down to check my emails and discovered an email from my dear friend Susie in South Africa. She proceeded to describe an experience she had recently in which she had “received” a download of information, in channel, related to sound, vibration and healing. Boy, was I immediately alert! As I scrolled down to read the material she had been given I almost screamed in joy and amazement. What she had received in words was an almost identical description of the channeled information I have been receiving for the past nine years! This information was what I was about to initiate the next month in the US!

Trembling with excitement, I emailed Susie to ask when we could speak on skype and asked how she felt about collaborating somehow. We spoke an hour later at length, both of us grateful, both of us happy that now we had each other, she more relieved than I that she wasn’t stark raving mad and that someone else could corroborate the material. Wow!

My point here is that, had I continued to let my mind swirl around the issues of my contacts not getting back to me, allowing myself to be frustrated, I wouldn’t have surrendered to the situation and asked for support. And support I got,  big time! Little did I know that I would be incorporating this information into my US processes, which now will be so relevant, cutting edge, NEW and clear. These are gifts given to us Humans to help us to ride the new waves of consciousness streaming to our planet with flow and ease. The work is now ready to be passed on to help each and every one of us.
Of course, by the next day, all my contacts had gotten back to me and the work is now progressing with lightening speed.

So just by surrendering to the situation and then asking for help, I received a miraculous gift. I sit here in gratitude to Susie and the source of her channelings.

Here’s to trust and surrender!

Love and Joy,

Rhonda Joy

copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2011