The Many Faces of YOU!

many faces
Do you wonder what you are meant to be doing in the world?

Would you like to find a way to contribute and have the best time doing it?

I recently did a process with a client who wanted to know what her life purpose is.

We decided to explore what would make her the most joyous and what would give her the most satisfaction, so we talked about children, women and other things that make her feel the best.
So before I relate to you what took place, let’s just assume that the concept of reincarnation really happens and that this is but one of your incarnational experiences on the Planet.

As we shared and delved into the issues, I began to see her face perceptibly change so that I could see what seemed to be other faces layered over or under her present face. It seemed to me that I was seeing different faces that she has worn in different lifetimes. Not only could I see the faces, but I also had an idea of each of these people’s expertise, age and personality.

Then all of a sudden I got the message: “Wow,” I told her, “You certainly have a lot of life experience!”.

Then we proceeded to explore the idea of how we come here already equipped with a vast amount of life experience which contributes to our ability to function and move throughout this lifetime. It was a very deep realization for both of us!

Just think about it: if each of us has presumably been here before in one form or another, then we don’t just start each lifetime with a blank slate and we can harness all of our experience to CONTRIBUTE to this life experience.

So what arsenal of knowledge and wisdom do you carry inside of you?

What do you create easily, from a place within you that seems to know so precisely how certain things are done in the most flowing way?

What burns within you, waiting to be set free to create and contribute to the world?

I’m sure that you have found at least one answer and it can be the most seemingly insignificant thing to one person, but so obvious and exciting to you. So honor that and go for that which makes your being sing and rejoice!

If you would like help in finding your inner spark in this way, I warmly invite you to a 30 minute complementary “Find Your Many Faces” session with me, to ignite the next fantastic chapter in your life. Just drop me a line with you time zone and skype address if you have one and we’ll set it up:


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Wishing you the confidence to share your true self with the world,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy 

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014