Happy New Year As a Choice!

Do you assess how things are going by what “happens” to you or do you see the connection between intention and things unfolding?

In my mind, we are participants in our own stories; talented co-creators of our circumstances along with God, Creation, the Universe or however one chooses to call the Greater Power.

In addition, in my experience, Happiness is a dynamic choice that one chooses and re-chooses as life unfolds, morphs and changes.

For things to happen as we would like them to, it is not enough to simply Intend them. What is needed is a gentle commitment to nurture and cultivate the very foundation upon which our intentions can grow, germinate and finally break ground to reach the light in full coherence with outside circumstances.

We are part of a whole and we must align with the whole and actually vibrate with it until our intention is coherence or in harmony with it.

It’s more like learning the flow of the whole and finding what it next needs of us personally to contribute to it to bring it to more beauty.

Like one for all and all for one. There were 3 musketeers, not one. They needed each other in order to succeed.

So what do you choose to be happy about?

How does your happiness uniquely contribute to the greater whole?

How does the happiness of others affect you?

Do you see? Happiness has a way if touching others beyond the self. Yes, you can be happy all on your own, but the light that you emanate cannot help but touch others.

This Wednesday is the Jewish New Year. This year, I would like to invite you to exercise your happiness in a way that you haven’t before. What could that be?
Is it an extra smile to yourself or to another? Is it that bouncy uplifting song that you can’t resist?
Is it that baby’s smile?

Whatever it may be, being conscious of it guarantees that it will touch you and others more deeply.

So let me know how it goes and have a truly Happy New Year, whatever your background and beliefs may be.

In her new book, Caught in the Crossfire: The Unjust Degradation of a Highly Decorated Military Officer, author Levonda Joey Selph brings you deep inside her true-life struggle for truth and freedom against a government she proudly and honestly served for 30 years as a U.S. Army officer. #CITCBook Click here to learn more about the book, bonus gifts and ordering. http://www.prominentbooks.com/citc/

Wishing you happy new beginnings,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014