Are You Being Realistic?

reality dreams
Are you being realistic in your life?

Are your goals doable and reasonable?

Are you aiming too high?

I bet that these questions have plagued you repeatedly in your life.
They have in mine for sure! I have mulled over so many possibilities of expansion and growth, some seeming realistic, some just plain fantasy.

WAIT! Who am I to say what the limits of “Reality” are? Aren’t we the co-designers of what we encounter “Out There”?

How did I get to where I am now? By NOT believing it was possible? Hell no! By REALLY BELIEVING it was possible!

And another thing: YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE 100% BELIEF!!! A small amount of doubt is not only harmless, but it keeps you on a precise path, helping you to correct and shift when you fall even slightly off course.

So here is where we get to the idea of critical mass:
It takes critical mass, or enough of an energy charge to create a shift. If you can picture a glass of water gradually being filled to the rim and then the exact moment water begins spilling out of the glass: that is what it is like. It is not that all of the water spills out over the rim at once, but only that first molecule of water, taking more molecules with it as the glass continues to be filled. It only takes the one molecule, supported by the entire body of molecules beneath it, to make the change. This is why things work even if you have some doubt.

Kind of cool, right?

So you can stop beating yourself up for not getting it completely, for not being realistic, for not totally believing and having some doubt.

Who wants to be over realistic and to stop dreaming?

So many of the most amazing inventions and discoveries came about from dreams or reverie.

How would our world be without innovation, excitement and adventure.
What if Walt Disney had stopped at just dreaming?

So please, stop being so realistic and allow yourself to not only dream, but to focus and cultivate your dreams into, well, REALITY.

Write down your dreams and desires and feed them with your thoughts, emotions and plug into the POSSIBILITY of them happening.

Then let the synchronicities, clues and connections come through. Be open to receive them, and hey, expect them!

If you’d like a gentle, loving nudge in this direction, then feel free to email me to claim your complementary 30 minute “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session with me. Just give me your time zone and we will set it up:

Wishing you Dreams Come True,

Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013