What? MORE Earth Shifts???

For real? Is there really more coming down the pipeline?
More planetary shifts? More solar flares?
More astronomical alignments?

Gosh, don’t we at least get a bit of a break?

Does this sound familiar to you? Are you tired of being bombarded by constant shifting, not really knowing what the new rules are?

How are we going to get through all of this if it keeps happening at this warp speed?

My answer to you is: “Together”.

We need to learn how to work together, not only in order to weather the changes, but to facilitate them ourselves.

To band together to create and ride the waves of change in a proactive, controlled, focused way, knowing we have each other’s backs.

Isn’t that a reassuring thought? That we have each other’s backs?

I had a beautiful experience of just this sort of thing on last Thursday, at a gathering in a very sacred ancient stone henge, Rujum El Hiri, on the Golan Heights. It was very powerful and touching to be among like-minded people who truly care and take action for the good of humanity and even the planet. On that particular day and in the days and weeks to follow, we are, as a planet in an alignment that is allowing us to reboot and rewire yet again, to the next level.

It was wonderful to band together, to share in the experience knowing we are all connected and to feel the mutual support.

The changes can cause differing types of discomfort for many of us and the best way we can get through it is to help each other, each one of us in the unique way we can individually contribute.

Some of us are good listeners.
Some of us are good healers.
Some of us are good problem solvers.
Some of us hold just the right kind of presence another needs.

Let us never underestimate what each of us carries for the good of another.

So I propose that we each find other like minded people and sometimes even engage in a more than one group, to help each other and to contribute to our mutual growth and development.

If you’re not sure how to do this, I heartily invite you to a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session with me to lay out an initial plan towards achieving this. Just click here to set it up: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Wishing you a circle of support on your journey,

Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy
Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012

Earthing/Grounding technology:
I have had the opportunity to personally experience and benefit from this amazing yet completely natural and logical technology. As human beings in a modern world, we have all but totally disconnected from the natural resonance and electrical charge of the Earth, causing many imbalances in the energy system and physical body. This can include inflammation, pain, hormonal imbalances, sleep disturbances, depression and much more. After experiencing weeks of intermittent low back pain as well as pain and immobility in my knees, within 4 days, yes, 4 days of using this technology, I am back to my natural mobile, high energy state. Check it out here and use this code to get a 5% discount on any of the products: http://www.go-teva.co.il/ discount code: RJE12. Truly amazing!