Creating Critical Mass To Affect a Real Shift

Here we are once again, in the Middle East, in a war situation. It’s the same old story of escalation and retaliation with each “side” remaining steadfast in its convictions and beliefs that this is necessary.

On some level, I suppose that this may be necessary for now, at least until there is a big shift in the collective beliefs and the collective paradigm.

What I mean is, until there are enough people who believe, TRULY BELIEVE, that there is another way to think, feel and LIVE, this problem will remain and there will be no shift.

What we need is more people awakening to our true human connections and to the possibility of something new really taking root, something that reflects our true interconnectedness of mind and heart, manifesting here, in our physical reality.

We need enough people believing that peace is a true possibility, enough people willing to chance an opening of hearts and enough people remembering that we all deserve good, thriving lives of care and connection, food, shelter and LOVE.

Oh Rhonda, how naïve of you, you may say.

Well, let’s just say that I have seen so much negativity AND so much positivity. I choose the positive, people. It really all comes down to CHOICE. What do we want and what do we choose for our lives and the world, in this huge state of flux and change???

We first much make a change individually in each of our hearts.

Then, we can band together to create a wave of positivity and love that will overlay the entire region. There are many groups of people doing this right now, two of which are active each evening, one at 9:15 PM and the other at 10:00. All you need to do is intend for love and compassion to encompass the entire region for about 15 minutes. What this does is to create a powerful wave of this consciousness that gently overlays the entire area of conflict. Once there is enough of this energy, a state of critical mass will be reached and a quantum shift can occur. This does not mean that we need only huge bursts of power to achieve this. It means that we can also gently reach the next level by gradually shifting up just a notch at a time until there is enough energy to spill over to the next level.

I invite you to do this for the Middle East and the World. Everything that happens in any place affects the entire globe as we are so interconnected.

Please join me and many others, every evening, in sending light and love in any form that works for you, whether gently meditating, singing or whatever works for you, to be part of this great shift that can truly make a lasting difference.

It’s time to apply theory to practice!

Remember that our thoughts are actually energy patterns that are like a blueprint upon which we create reality. Without thought forms, nothing would exist in the physical. Thoughts are consciousness and so if we think peace, with enough focused energy, it can manifest.

If you would like to further your exploration into your own personal shift, I invite you to a 30 minute complementary session with me. Just click here to claim it and we’ll set it up:

Additionally, I heartily invite you to join the Gateway Workshop lead by Michal Cohen Simcha and myself on December 21st, 2012, considered to be a major human and planetary day of shift of consciousness. We will meet at Kibbutz Beit Keshet at 9AM. Please call me for details at: 052 2985416 or email me at

Wishing us all peace within our hearts and in our outer reality,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012