Are You True to Yourself?

Are you a pleaser?

Do you do things to keep the peace, but neglect your own truth in the process?

Do you find yourself doing things that cause you to bottle up your creativity?

Wouldn’t you just love to shift out of this?

Numerous times in my life, I found myself in the very same situation. It took a lot of inner work to build up the sense of CONFIDENCE and WORTHINESS that would bring me to a place in which I would then express myself and share my gifts with the world, while doing so in the best way it could be received. I spent a long time in sense of frustration, knowing what I had to offer but never daring to do so.

Bringing out your best light is an art that can be morphed and shifted to accommodate the people receiving it.

By not being blunt and by being considerate, yet still giving and sharing your gifts, you not only have the wonderful pleasure of sharing, but the people around you are enriched a thousand fold.

One way to do this is to learn how to deeply resonate and become sensitive to individuals and groups of people. It is a lovely process of acknowledging another while enriching the energy you exchange with each other in the process. it is a way to sense what is happening in another person’s energy field so that you can deeply connect and support him or her in the best way possible.

I invite you to try this simple yet profoundly honoring process out in a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session with me. Just click here to send me an email so that we can set it up:

Coming Event:
I’m so pleased to share with you that I will be presenting at the ICF Israel International Coaching Federation Conference in Jerusalem, on Monday, July 22nd on “Resonance and Vibration as Invisible Lines of Communication” at 5:50 PM. Needless to say, I am very excited to be able to speak about my passion within such a distinguished forum. Check out the Congress website:

An important new health-related book is being launched today, with valuable BONUSE GIFTS when you purchase during today’s official launch. Keys to An Amazing Life: Secrets of the Cervical Spine will educate you on how to prevent and treat spinal problems and the many associated health conditions they engender.

Wishing you your best light and the deepest truth as you move through life,

Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013