Find Your Inner Core in the Storm

eye of the storm
Do you get swept up by the intensity around you?

What happens when people around you are anxious and suspicious?

Do you get sucked into the collective fear vortex?


I think we have all been subject to this more often that we like to admit.

We can do years of empowerment work and still be affected by the dramas around us. This is natural and to be expected because we are actually living in the same resonant field as everyone around us.

Most of us don’t have the time or desire to hole ourselves up in a meditation cave for a year or two. We have all chosen to be in and a part of society.

I think that the artful way to live is to find a way to be part of the collective while maintaining as much of our own inner core as we can. We can’t be expected not to be affected by the things that happen around us, so let’s stop criticizing ourselves for trying to be so perfect. That kind of perfection would bore me to tears!

So let me invite you to connect with your own inner core. It just takes moments and is as effortless as taking a few breaths.

Take a gentle breath into your heart. Feel it beating. Feel its consistent pumping. It has been pumping faithfully since way before you were born, from minute to minute, fully serving your body without wavering. Take a moment to thank it.

Now place your attention on your skin and allow yourself to feel how well it covers and protects you. What a miraculous organ! It is flexible and follows the contours of your entire body.

Finally, place your attention on your feet and legs and feel the entire lower part of your body.

Take a deep breath and just say thank you to your entire magnificent body.

Feel the life force pulsating within it, never wavering, adjusting and flowing within you consciously, knowing exactly where to go at each moment. See how all its functions are working in complete cooperation with each other.

Now check it to see how much more grounding in your being that you are right now. It took but a few moments of your attention!

Unleash your power within to become the winner you were born to be. Thanks to Val Newton-Knowles’ breakthrough book, No Shame! Only Power, you can stride into the “walk of success” that God has already laid out for you. Get your copy of #NoShameOnlyPower now to receive free gifts:

Wishing you ease and focus throughout your day,
Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy
Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013