What Are You Cleaning This Spring?

Most of us associate Spring Cleaning with cleaning our homes.

I extend this cleaning to a State of Cleansing, which not only includes my home and releasing the things that no longer serve me, but also to include my body, my thoughts and emotions that may have caused me to limit myself and to keep me stuck in concepts that no longer apply in my life and cause me to limit myself.

Rather than repeatedly trying to release what you don’t want, why not try a new approach and simply invite in; with all your heart, what you really DO want?

All you need to do is to FEEL it in the deepest way for the Universe to begin to resonate with it and help you to create the circumstances for it in the most synchronistic way.

By the way, doubt may not be the big, huge lump of resistance and block that we may think. If you can transform enough of your energy to that of CONVICTION, then the little doubt still remaining with not have an effect!

So you can stop beating yourself up about the doubt. It’s normal and it serves to keep us on track, helping us to adjust your intentions in order to stay in the full flow of life and the unique Path of Purpose that is uniquely yours.

So express what you DO WANT and the rest will fall into the background as white noise.

If you would like some help in getting your SPRING CLEANING started, I am happy to offer you a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session. Just click here to request it:  http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Finally, check out my new youtube video on Intentional Living: http://youtu.be/Yp9x_0OzyOc

Coming Events:

What better way to jumpstart yourself than by doing so in an atmosphere of mutual creativity, play and support?

On Sunday, April 28th, I will be partnering with Owen James*, international medical intuitive in a unique one day workshop called Playtime!. In a space of joyfulness, we will discover our strengths and talents and our deep personal connection to the Heart of the Divine.

Through music, meditation, movement, divination cards and sharing, we will discover the similarities we hold to one another along with our distinct personal uniqueness. In this place, we will discover how to support ourselves and one another, allowing us to live in more wholeness, acceptance, cooperation and inner peace.

To register, contact me at:
rhonda@box5656.temp.domains  or 052 2985416.

Check out more details here: http://www.facebook.com/events/175668042582179/?fref=ts

*You can also call to book a private session with Owen in Kiryat Tivon for April 30th or May 1st.

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Wishing you days of renewal and Grace,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013