I had a good lesson the other day in being precise AND practicing what I preach.
I was sitting with two dear friends and we were sharing what we were feeling that may be coming up in 2012.
I shared that I thought that the veils were very thin and that the time it takes between having a thought and it manifesting is very short and that things happen more immediately now. I also have been receiving the message that this is a time in which we must be very precise and responsible for what we think and intend.
THEN, I blurted out that I thought many people would have mental difficulties due to all of these changes. One of my friends commented that she prefers to see things happening in the highest form for everyone, which I thank her for very much.
SHEESH, RHONDA! Didn’t you just say that it takes almost nothing to manifest these things? Not everything that flows through your mind has to be voiced.
So Universe, if you don’t mind, I’d like to take that back and come from a point of supporting everyone I can to move through this great shift we are experiencing.
This was a good lesson not only in precision, but in humility as well. I felt appropriately embarrassed for a moment, mainly towards myself. Then I chose to move on from there to better things.
The reason I am telling you this is not to rehash it, but to demonstrate how easy it is to fall into old, lower energy patterns – for me. I do, however, do my best to self evaluate as much as I can.
There are many ways to shift to a higher level of vibration and here are a few:
- What thoughts are you thinking?
Are they positive or do you circle around negativity and unpleasant things that have happened to you in the past? If so, deliberately shift them to more joyous, pleasant ones to consciously create a congruent vibration. Think of anything, including a pleasant memory that will shift this. - What brings you the most joy in life?
Think of the things that make you feel alive and vibrant and positively tingly inside. It may be music, connecting to family and friends, playing a certain sport, going into nature or doing an activity. Look for the things that make you laugh and feel good about yourself. - What do you worry or what are you fearful about?
Now here’s a really important one. We all worry, but worry is usually based on past experience that is then projected as a probable outcome in the future and is not based on the present. Fear is literally False Evidence Appearing Real. Give yourself a limited time to be in the worry/fear space and then deliberately shift to another, higher vibratory thought. This takes practice but reaps tremendous benefits!
It’s all about training yourself to shift your thoughts. Not always easy, but with practice, it gets to be a pleasant way to lighten your day.
So if you would like to explore how to hone these new skills in a fun and creative way and to upgrade your vibration and experience, I invite you to a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session with me. Just click here to claim it. http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/. Please indicate your time zone or location.
Wishing us all the highest of thoughts and experiences,
Rhonda Joy
Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012