There’s No Place Like Home

Do you live in a house or a Home?

Are you at home in your life, with yourself, with others?

Do you have a place, inside and/or out, which is your haven, your special place, your refuge?

I am happy to say that I have finally moved into my new physical home and I absolutely love it!

This is a place where I can rest, create, dance, laugh and cry; a place that I feel is happy that and my partner are there.

It’s a place where the land and the house itself feel settled and welcoming and that we are all coming together in some kind of commonality of service and love.

I mean, it; the place has a spirit and it is quite happy, after our having done several processes to connect with it and it is glad that we are there.

Other places that I feel at home in are out in nature, especially when I am in connection with trees, such as oaks. I have discovered the oaks to be strong and deeply loving as is Nature in general, once I get quiet and can feel the connection.

Remember, everything in our world is conscious, as if we are surrounded by beings of different shapes and vibration than us humans, but they are definitely conscious beings.

So what is home to you? What and who are you connected to particularly on a soul level? What feels like your special place and do you have a way to come home to Yourself?

I would love to help you find just that place by gifting you with a 30 minute complementary “There’s no place Like Home” Session. Just email me your time zone and skype address and we’ll make it happen:

We have a beautiful line up of recommendations this week, so take a look:

Neither a pop-spirituality book or a complex, intellectual manifesto—The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence delivers a fresh perspective for those seeking rational, logical answers to life’s most perplexing questions. #MagnificentTruths Click here for more information about the book, bonus gifts and ordering!

Are you or someone you know technologically challenged? If you live in the north of Israel, I personally highly recommend Maoz Koren – Technology Consultant for Seniors. He is one of the most patient people I have ever met, with skills that range from computers to use of cell phones and tablets. I have seen him painstakingly take my parents on a journey of cluelessness to using a wide range of technology including computers, modems and yes, Smartphones! He also speaks very good English.
Check out his Facebook page: or call him at: 054-5983031.

Do you want your home to vibrate with love and warmth? Rotem Shellef blessed my new home just before I moved in by creating an energetic Crystal Grid tailored for my home. It was an amazing process and my home feels great. She is an expert at fitting the right matrix to you and your surroundings. Contact her if you’d like to experience it for yourself: 052-5662344.

Wishing you  a Home inside and out,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014