She turned away, from the destruction, the rage, the blasphemy and all of the engagement, With terror With all of the separation of centuries of land and money grabbing. She knew better, so she turned away, to keep her mind and heart from engaging in the fight, the grab, the land, the me verses them. She turned away because her Heart Knew better than to bleed its precious Life Blood into that chaos. She turned away to maintain her inner knowing, her connection to the Heartbeat. The Heartbeat of Life Precious. She turned away to keep her precious knowledge and […]
My Brethren, Let’s have the courage to let it all dissolve. Structures, paradigms, ideas, have their days of glory and then naturally fade and make way to the next wave… Of novelty, of technology, of structures in true service to the beauty of Humankind, of each other, beyond boundaries, countries, property and province. We are but a blink, a fluttering of one eyelash, an eye that sees for a brief, yet oh so significant moment. Will we choose to embrace it’s immense beauty, or let it flit away as just another moment, just an insignificant breath of time? What we […]
Dear Friends, Are you ready for inner liberation? Are you ready to really, but really take responsibility for your life? It’s been a very long time since I last wrote and I am very moved to share some of my inner process of the last several months with you. I have been in a process of going Way In to my deepest layers, my deepest being. I have been in a relative state of retreat, meaning that I have been working and interacting with the world AND taking lots of time to be in silence and deep contemplation. I have […]
“Oh, the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all. Fame! You’ll be as famous as famous can be, with the whole wide world watching you win on TV. Except when they don’t Because, sometimes they won’t. I’m afraid that some times you’ll play lonely games too. Games you can’t win ’cause you’ll play against you.” ? Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go! Dr. Suess, that childhood icon […]
It goes without saying that we all want our lives to continue to improve. One way to allow this to happen is to actually actively acknowledge what we DO have at this moment, as opposed to ignoring how far we have come and just to want MORE. Wanting MORE is fine, as long as we are in a full process of embodying what is and not what is not. So this Spring, why not begin by deeply acknowledging what IS present, like our health, the roof over our heads, family and friends, our livelihood and even the air that we […]
It’s almost a week since the Israeli elections and I do not intend to go political on you, so no worries. I am simply still a bit floored at how much the results mean that nothing at all has changed in the political/ governmental arena as many had hoped. So it brings me to this question: “Do we really want change?”. I think that many of us do have desire for change, but that deep inside, we have not done the preparation work for “The Morning After”. What happens if we really manifest what we want? Do we have the […]
Do you ever feel totally overwhelmed with the events happening in your life? Do you feel that you not only can’t keep up by also can’t calm down enough to relax? Would you like to find a way to be at Peace with it all? Yes, it’s definitely a dilemma as to how to move with ease and grace in these turbulent times. Sometimes it feels like we are all in the midst of the planetary or human turmoil and that there is no respite. Many of you may feel that your inner rhythm is much slower than the pace […]
Do you know what’s in your food? Are you sure that you are eating the cleanest food possible? I just saw a very depressing TED talk about the antibiotics and hormones and horrific “living” conditions that most cattle live in. I am not completely vegetarian and when I do eat meat, I try to get it without the additives or at least without the antibiotics. But the hormones may be even worse for our systems. I think that the best we can do is to try to monitor where our food comes from and to prepare it from scratch. Not […]
What do you do when you see an injustice that does not fit with the norms of a certain society? Do you do nothing, cluck your tongue or do you become active? There are issues that have been coming to my attention a lot lately and that is the norms of a society, integrity, and one’s soul’s wisdom of justice and rights. One would be an incestuous relationship between father and daughter being denied by the welfare authorities, another would be the total misinterpretation and circulation of a private video, causing truly innocent and beautiful people to be shunned by […]
“Look into your heart, you will find There’s nothin’ there to hide”/ Bryan Adams How do you make decisions in your life? Do you immediately consult with others? Do you look inside? Do you do a little of each? I had a funny little “inner” incident like this myself recently. I was very graciously asked to do an introduction to my Shamanic Sound Healing workshop in the Jordan Valley, at a new healing center. “Great!” I thought, I will get exposure in this new geographical area and eventually join the center and contribute to its offerings. I was asked to […]